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Italy's dominant political party remains composed amid allegations of Nazi ties within a youth group.

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Italy's ruling party reacts calmly to Nazi reports at youth organization
Italy's ruling party reacts calmly to Nazi reports at youth organization

Italy's dominant political party remains composed amid allegations of Nazi ties within a youth group.

Trembling shoulders from Italy's radical right party, Fratelli d'Italia, showed a response to a media exposé alleging fascist and neo-Nazi activities within their youth organization. The report was derived from assumed, out-of-context pictures taken in a private setting, according to Parliamentary Minister Luca Ciriani, spoken in Rome's Parliament on a Wednesday. In a legal sense, the validated instances were deemed irrelevant.

The online news platform "Fanpage" published the findings from an undercover probe into the National Youth, the youth organization of Minister President Giorgia Meloni's party, the week prior. Concealed recordings reveal members yelling "Sieg Heil," "Duce," and raising their arms in the fascist salute during party gatherings.

Members from the opposing Democratic Party (PD) voiced apprehension over the occurrences. PD Deputy Michela Di Biase stated, "The images encourage fascism, A young generation is being nurtured in the myth of those who tarnished our nation's history with bloodshed and persecution."

Prime Minister Meloni was a youth movement member of the party founded by followers of fascist dictator Benito Mussolini's MSI, when she was 19. She served as the head of Azione Studentesca, whose symbol is the Celtic cross commonly used by extremists throughout Europe. At that time, she referred to Mussolini as a " capable politician." Later, she attempted to disassociate herself from her party's fascist past.

Read also:

  1. The Governing party, Fratelli d'Italia, faced criticism from within Italy and abroad, following Nazi reports about their Youth organization.
  2. The Governing party's Youth organization, the National Youth, was under scrutiny due to Nazi reports, which included members allegedly using fascist salutes and Nazi slogans.
  3. In the midst of the Nazi reports concerning the Governing party's Youth organization, Italy's Frame, a television news show, dedicated an episode to discuss the impact of these allegations on the country's political landscape.



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