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Report: Mafiosi in Italy rely less on violence

Italian anti-mafia authority

Report: Mafiosi in Italy rely less on violence
Report: Mafiosi in Italy rely less on violence

Report: Mafiosi in Italy rely less on violence

The Italian Mafia is reportedly using less violence and more undercover infiltration of the economy and society, as well as corruption, according to a report from the Italian Anti-Mafia Directorate (Dia).

The use of violence by Mafiosi is not completely rejected, but it has decreased. In the past, there were frequent brutal and ruthless crimes committed by Mafia organizations such as Cosa Nostra, Camorra, or 'Ndrangheta. "Today, the Mafia prefers to direct its attention to entrepreneurial areas, profiting from the vast capital it has accumulated through illegal activities," the report on the first half of 2023 states.

Drug trafficking remains the primary source of income for the Mafia. However, this is no longer being carried out in the traditional way of the "old Mafia generations" on the streets and violently, but increasingly online. The use of modern technologies has increased. So, Mafiosi increasingly use encrypted communication systems, instant messaging services, and social networks.

According to the report, the Mafia is also more deeply infiltrating the public administration and politics. Recently, Mafia connections to local politicians and public administration officials have been uncovered.

  1. The Italian Anti-Mafia Authority, in its latest report, has highlighted the shift in tactics of Mafiosi, who now engage in less overt violence and focus more on undercover infiltration of the economy, society, and politics in Italy.
  2. As stated in the report, the Mafia in Italy is increasingly harnessing modern technologies, such as encrypted communication systems, instant messaging services, and social networks, in their drug trafficking activities, moving away from traditional methods of operation.

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