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Israel's Air Force reports attacks on Hezbollah targets in Lebanon

After attack on children

An Israeli helicopter flies over the Golan Heights on Saturday after a rocket hit a football field.
An Israeli helicopter flies over the Golan Heights on Saturday after a rocket hit a football field.

Israel's Air Force reports attacks on Hezbollah targets in Lebanon

During a Rocket attack on the Golan Heights, at least twelve children and adolescents have been killed. Israel's reaction does not wait long: According to military reports, the Military attacked targets of the Hisbollah militia in Lebanon.

According to military reports, Israel's Air Force attacked a series of terrorist targets of the Shia militia Hisbollah in Lebanon in the night. Among the targets were reportedly weapons depots and terrorist infrastructure, the Israeli Military announced via Telegram. Along with this, it published video recordings that are said to show the attacks. The information could not be verified independently.

Previously, at least twelve children and adolescents were killed by a rocket of Iranian origin at a bustling soccer field in the Golan Heights. Israel holds the Hisbollah responsible for the attack. However, in a statement, the Shia militia stated that they had no involvement.

UN representatives called on both parties to "maximum restraint." The USA and the EU also condemned the attack and warned against an escalation of violence in the region. Since the beginning of the Gaza War in the previous October, the Hisbollah and Israel's Army have been engaging in nearly daily battles. The rocket attack on the Golan Heights followed an Israeli attack in the village of Kfar Kila near the Lebanese-Israeli border, in which, according to the Hisbollah's reports, four of its members were killed.

The militia, which is supported by Iran, acts in solidarity with the radical Islamic Hamas, which is also active in Lebanon. The Hamas and other groups from the Gaza Strip committed a massacre without parallel on 7 October of the previous year in the southern part of Israel, with 1,200 deaths, which triggered the Gaza War.

  1. The Shiite militia Hezbollah, widely supported by Iran, has been involved in numerous conflicts with Israel, including daily battles in the Golan Heights and the Lebanese-Israeli border.
  2. Widespread condemnation was expressed worldwide, with UN representatives and both the USA and EU urging "maximum restraint" and warning against any escalation of the ongoing Wars and Conflicts in the region.
  3. War crimes accusations against Hezbollah were raised following the attacks, with Israel holding them responsible for the rocket attack that claimed the lives of at least twelve children and adolescents in the Golan Heights.
  4. The politics surrounding the Shiite community in Lebanon are closely intertwined with the ongoing tensions between Iran, Israel, and Hezbollah, making a peaceful resolution of the conflicts a challenging task.

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