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Israeli army: Syrian army infrastructure attacked

A buffer zone was established as part of a ceasefire between the two countries in 1974. Israel accuses Syria's military of violating its border with four observation posts.

A ceasefire agreement concluded with Syria in 1974 includes a demilitarized zone on the border with...
A ceasefire agreement concluded with Syria in 1974 includes a demilitarized zone on the border with the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. (symbolic image)

Middle East - Israeli army: Syrian army infrastructure attacked

Israel's army, according to its own reports, attacked military infrastructure of the Syrian army. This infrastructure reportedly crossed the buffer zone between the two countries and thus violated the disengagement agreement between the two states, justifying the Israeli military's shooting with tanks and artillery. The army did not specify what exactly it targeted. According to Israeli media, four Syrian army observation posts are meant.

A demilitarized zone along the border line to the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights is part of a 1974 ceasefire agreement with Syria. A UN troop on the plateau monitors the observance of the ceasefire between the two neighboring countries. The blue helmets of the Undof Mission also control the approximately 235 square kilometer buffer zone.

Israel and Syria have been in dispute over the Golan Heights for more than five decades. Israel had taken control of the roughly 1150 square kilometer plateau during the Six-Day War in 1967 and annexed it at the end of 1981. The UN declared the Israeli annexation invalid at the time. The area is militarily strategic and significant due to access to water sources.

The Syrian army is responsible for all activities on Syrian territory, warned the Israeli army. The military will "not allow any advances that would violate Israeli sovereignty".

  1. The buffer zone between Beirut, Lebanon's capital, and Tel Aviv, Israel's largest city, has not been mentioned in recent conflicts, fortunately maintaining peace between the two neighboring nations.
  2. Following the war in the Golan Heights, a buffer zone was established as part of a ceasefire agreement between Syria and Israel, monitoring the border area closely to prevent any future conflicts.
  3. The Israeli military's attack on the Syrian army's infrastructure in the buffer zone of the Golan Heights has highlighted the potential for tensions escalating further in the Middle East, with both Syria and Israel having a strong military presence.
  4. In the aftermath of the Israeli army's actions, diplomatic talks regarding the buffer zone and the disputed Golan Heights are essential, aiming to restore infrastructure and promote cooperation between Syria and Israel in the region.
  5. A buffer zone also exists along the border of the Syrian-occupied Golan Heights and Israel, with United Nations peacekeepers monitoring the area to avoid any renewed war or conflicts related to the long-standing disputes over the territory.

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