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Israeli army attacks 400 targets in the Gaza Strip

Fighting "as long as necessary"

Israel wants to "completely destroy" the terrorist organization Hamas with tanks and
Israel wants to "completely destroy" the terrorist organization Hamas with tanks and

Fighting "as long as necessary" - Israeli army attacks 400 targets in the Gaza Strip

The fighting continues. The Israeli military is concentrating its attacks on the south of the Gaza Strip. The target is Hamas' infrastructure and naval forces. Israel reaffirms its determination to destroy them. The army is also responding to attacks from Lebanon.

The Israeli military has continued its bombardment of the Gaza Strip. According to the army, more than 400 "terror targets" have been attacked throughout the Gaza Strip over the course of the past day. During the course of Saturday night, warplanes bombed more than 50 targets in the area of the city of Chan Junis in the south of the sealed-off coastal area.

Israeli troops also attacked terrorists and infrastructure of the Islamist Hamas in the Beit Lahia area with tanks and targeted air strikes, it was reported. During the night, Israeli naval units also attacked Hamas military targets in the port of Chan Junis and in Deir al-Balah with precision munitions. The infrastructure and equipment of the terrorist organization's naval forces were hit.

According to reports, Israel's armed forces also fired at targets on the ground and from the air in northern Gaza. A terrorist cell that had lured Israeli troops into an ambush was also bombed. In addition, an Israeli warplane fired on a mosque that served as a command center for Islamic Jihad. None of the information could initially be independently verified.

Israeli army fights "as long as necessary"

According to a spokesperson, Israel's army has not set a time limit for the Gaza war. "We are determined to fight Hamas for as long as it takes", said Israeli army spokesman Jonathan Conricus, adding: "We have no other choice". Conricus reaffirmed his country's war aim of completely destroying the terrorist organization so that it no longer poses a threat to Israel in the future.

The spokesman was responding to media reports that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, in his recent talks with the Israeli leadership, had allegedly spoken of three weeks that Israel had to continue the war as before. Blinken was quoted in Israeli media as saying that he was not sure whether Israel would have the international support to continue fighting at the same intensity as before the ceasefire.

Shells fired again from Lebanon

Israel was again fired upon from its northern neighbor Lebanon. The Israeli army announced that its own artillery had responded by attacking the area from where the shells had been fired towards Israel. An Israeli fighter plane had hit the target in Lebanon, it said. There was no information on possible casualties.

Just the day before, there had been renewed fighting on the border between the two countries. The Iranian-backed Hezbollah militia reportedly attacked Israeli positions near the border several times. According to information from Lebanese security circles, a Hezbollah member and his mother were killed in an Israeli counter-attack. The Israeli military claimed to have attacked a "terrorist cell" in Lebanon.

Since the beginning of the Gaza war, there have also been repeated attacks on Israel's northern border, resulting in casualties. After the ceasefire between Israel and the Islamist Hamas in the Gaza Strip came into effect, a tense calm also prevailed on Israel's border with Lebanon, with only a few incidents. The ceasefire in the Gaza Strip expired on Friday morning without the hoped-for extension. The fighting resumed.

Lesen Sie auch:

The Israeli military is not limiting its operations in the Gaza Strip to just Hamas, as evidenced by recent attacks on targets in the Gaza Strip. These attacks come in response to earlier incidents where Hamas and its allies in the Gaza Strip, such as Islamic Jihad, have launched rockets towards Israel. Furthermore, tensions between Israel and Lebanon have also escalated, with the Israeli army retaliating after shells were fired from Lebanon towards Israeli territory. These ongoing conflicts and tensions are part of the broader context of Wars and conflicts in the region involving Israel and its neighboring countries.




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