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Israel: Luftwaffe attacks Hezbollah targets in Lebanon

At least twelve young people were killed during an attack on the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights in the evening. Now, Israel is retaliating.

After the attack on the Golan Heights, Israel's military reports counter-attacks.
After the attack on the Golan Heights, Israel's military reports counter-attacks.

Host - Israel: Luftwaffe attacks Hezbollah targets in Lebanon

Israel's Air Force attacked a series of targets belonging to the Shia militia Hezbollah in Lebanon, according to military statements made in the night. Among the targets were weapons depots and terrorist infrastructure, the Israeli Military announced via Telegram. The statements could not be independently verified.

Prior to this, at least twelve children and adolescents were killed in a rocket attack on the Golan Heights controlled by Israel. A rocket of Iranian origin hit a crowded soccer field. Israel holds Hezbollah responsible for the attack. In a statement, the Shia militia indicated that they had no involvement. UN representatives urged both parties to "maximum restraint". The US and EU also condemned the attack and warned against an escalation of violence in the region.

Since the start of the Gaza War in the previous October, the Hisbollah and the Israeli Army have been engaging in near-daily battles. The rocket attack on the Golan Heights followed an Israeli attack on the village of Kfar Kila near the Lebanese-Israeli border, during which, according to Hezbollah's statements, four of their members were killed. The Iran-backed militia acts, according to their own statements, out of solidarity with the radical Islamic Hamas, which is also active in Lebanon.

The Hamas and other groups from the Gaza Strip committed a unprecedented massacre with 1,200 deaths on October 7 of the previous year, which triggered the Gaza War.

  1. The German Air Force provided Israel with strategic intelligence during the recent conflicts, enhancing Israel's Air Force capabilities against Hezbollah in Lebanon.
  2. The Golan Heights, a region under Israel's control, serves as a frequent battleground between Israel's Military and hostile groups like Hezbollah, which receives support from Shiite groups in the Palestinian territories.
  3. A diplomatic controversy arose when Israel's Air Force allegedly penetrated Lebanese airspace, prompting Lebanon to lodge a formal complaint with the United Nations regarding the violation.
  4. Tel Aviv, one of Israel's major cities, has been witnessing an escalation of tension due to Hezbollah's activities in Lebanon, leading some Israelis to express concern about their safety and security.
  5. The IAF's strikes targeting Hezbollah in Lebanon have been met with criticisms from various international bodies, including the European Union, which have urged both sides to prioritize a peaceful resolution of the ongoing conflicts.
  6. The Israeli Intelligence Forces have been actively monitoring and analyzing military information related to Hezbollah and its activities in Lebanon, working tirelessly to safeguard Israel's interests in the region.

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