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Israel issues harsh warning to Hezbollah - militia "playing with fire"

Israeli Defense Minister Joav Galant issues a warning to Lebanon. The Prime Minister is also clear and says that entering the Gaza war "would be the mistake of a lifetime".

Israeli Defense Minister Joav Galant warns
Israeli Defense Minister Joav Galant warns

Israel issues harsh warning to Hezbollah - militia "playing with fire"

In the face of ongoing attacks from its northern neighbor, Israel issued strong warnings to Lebanon this evening. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that he had warned the Lebanese Shiite militia Hezbollah.

"Don't make the mistake of going to war. That would be the mistake of your life," said the head of government. "Your entry into the war will seal the fate of Lebanon."

Israeli Defense Minister Joav Galant said that on his country's northern border, "provocations have turned into aggression". He warned: "Hezbollah is playing with fire."

Most of the Israeli air force was no longer involved in the Gaza Strip, Galant emphasized. The aircraft noses were now pointing north. "The citizens of Lebanon must know that if (Hezbollah leader Hassan) Nasrallah makes a mistake, the fate of Beirut could be like the fate of Gaza."

Situation on the border with Lebanon escalates

Since the start of the Gaza war on October 7 following a Hamas massacre in Israel and subsequent Israeli counter-attacks, the situation on the border with Lebanon has become increasingly tense. It is the most serious escalation since the second Lebanon war in 2006.

There are repeated battles between the Israeli army and Hezbollah on the border. There have been casualties on both sides, including civilians. The mutual attacks reach deeper into the other country from day to day.

Hezbollah has links to the Islamist Hamas in the Gaza Strip, but is considered to be much more influential and powerful. It is also considered Iran's most important non-state ally and is part of the self-proclaimed "Axis of Resistance", a front of militias with the aim of fighting Iran's arch-enemy Israel.

The escalating tensions on the border with Lebanon have led to conflicting actions between Israel and Hezbollah. Despite the warnings from Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Hezbollah continues to engage in provocative actions, putting Lebanon at risk of another devastating conflict.




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