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Israel: Have received Hamas proposal for hostage deal

Negotiations have been going on for months to reach an agreement on a ceasefire in the Gaza war - so far without success. Now there is some movement in the tough struggle.

Israelis block a main road while protesters demand the release of hostages held in the Gaza Strip....
Israelis block a main road while protesters demand the release of hostages held in the Gaza Strip. (archive picture)

Gaza war - Israel: Have received Hamas proposal for hostage deal

Israel, according to its own statements, is examining a proposal by Hamas for a weapons truce and the release of additional hostages. The mediator countries, USA, Qatar, and Egypt, have presented the Israeli negotiating team with a draft from the Islamic organization, the office of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced. Israel intends to give its response to the mediators after reviewing the proposal.

Hamas stated that it will exchange "some ideas" with the mediators to achieve an end to the war. The details of Hamas' proposal were initially unknown, as well as how it differs from the previously discussed plan.

Efforts to achieve a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip through indirect negotiations between Israel and Hamas, and to persuade Hamas to release Israeli hostages from their custody - efforts that have been ongoing for months without success. At the end of May, US President Joe Biden presented a three-phase plan, which Hamas did not agree to and demanded changes.

So far, an agreement has failed primarily because Hamas demands a complete end to the Gaza War, which Israel rejects.

  1. The proposed weapons truce and hostage release by Hamas is currently being examined by Israel, as stated by their negotiating team.
  2. The USA, along with Qatar and Egypt, has presented Israel with a draft from the Palestinian organization Hamas, aiming for peace in the Middle East.
  3. The details of Hamas' new proposal remain unclear, but it's expected to contribute to potential peace negotiations in the Palestinian territories, particularly in Gaza.
  4. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office announced that Israel will respond to the mediators after thoroughly reviewing the proposal, indicating a cautious approach.
  5. As negotiations continue, both Israel and Hamas are engaged in indirect talks, with the former intending to maintain its security and the latter advocating for an end to conflicts in the region.
  6. If a successful ceasefire agreement is reached, it could potentially bring significant relief to the people of Gaza and boost efforts for long-term peace in the Middle East, involving countries like Tel Aviv, Egypt, and broader global communities.
  7. Ultimately, Hamas' demands for a complete end to the Gaza War remain a major challenge to negotiating a ceasefire, as Israel voices strong opposition to such a requirement, creating ongoing tension in the region.

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