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Israel and USA settle dispute over ammunition aid

Netanyahu had angered the USA by criticizing arms deliveries. His defense minister calms the situation. Also with a view to a possible war in Lebanon. The news at a glance.

Israel's Defense Minister Joav Galant (l) met with his US counterpart Lloyd Austin in Washington.
Israel's Defense Minister Joav Galant (l) met with his US counterpart Lloyd Austin in Washington.

War in the Middle East - Israel and USA settle dispute over ammunition aid

Israel and its ally the USA have smoothed over the waves in the dispute over military supplies to the Jewish state. "Obstacles have been removed and shortages have been addressed," said Israeli Defense Minister Joav Galant on Wednesday at the end of four-day talks in Washington. "We have made significant progress."

According to Israeli media, Galant criticized his prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu for publicly expressing his anger in the matter instead of resolving it internally with the US. "In every family - and we consider the American people as our family - disagreements can arise," Galant explained. "But like in every family, we discuss our disagreements behind closed doors and remain united," he said.

Netanyahu had recently criticized the US government in a video over a delayed weapons delivery with harsh words, causing a new crisis in relations with the US government of President Joe Biden. At the weekly cabinet meeting on the previous Sunday, he reiterated his accusations: There had been a "dramatic decline in US weapons deliveries to Israel" about four months ago, Netanyahu lamented. Since then, the situation had not changed, so he went public.

Reports of Israeli air raids in Syria and Lebanon

Meanwhile, at least three people were reportedly killed in a suspected Israeli air raid in Syria, according to activist reports. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported on Thursday that the attacks on the previous evening had taken place in the southern outskirts of the capital Damascus. Structures of an organization were hit, which had relations with the Lebanese Hezbollah and other pro-Iranian militias. The information could not be independently verified at first. Israel's air force frequently bombs targets in neighboring countries. Israel aims to prevent its arch-enemy Iran and its allied militias from extending their military influence there.

Further reports of a suspected Israeli air raid in southern Lebanon on Wednesday evening stated that at least five people were injured in the city of Nabataea. Several houses and cars were damaged shortly before midnight. These reports could also not be independently verified at first. Israel has been exchanging gunfire with Hezbollah in the border area with Lebanon since the start of the war in the Gaza Strip. The intensity of the fighting has recently increased significantly. Concerns are growing that the conflict could escalate into a war. The US had recently withheld the delivery of heavy bombs to Israel to bring its military to refrain from using them in the offensive in the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip and to spare the civilian population.

Report: US official clears up bottlenecks

Otherwise, the pace of US weapons and ammunition deliveries to Israel is "normal," quoted the "Wall Street Journal" on Wednesday an official from the US State Department. Only if one compares it to the first months of the Gaza War, when the US significantly reduced the Munitionslieferungen for the Ally, one could speak of a slowdown, it was said.

After the meetings of Israeli Defense Minister Galant with his US counterpart Lloyd Austin and US Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, a senior official in the US State Department acknowledged to the "Times of Israel" that there had been some delays in weapons deliveries to Israel, but these were not intended and are now being addressed. Besides the issue of the delayed delivery of heavier bombs, there are "some things we can perhaps process more quickly or reprioritize," it was further stated.

Gantz: Netanyahu harms relations with the US alliance

Israel's Prime Minister has recently made harsh accusations against Washington with his statements, "on the one hand, he said something true, on the other hand, he gave a dramatic interpretation that has no basis," quoted the "Wall Street Journal" Giora Eiland, a former national security advisor of Israel. "The unnecessary disputes created by the Minister-President for political reasons may gain him a few points among his supporters, but they harm the strategic relationship with the US, which is an integral part of our ability to win the war," said Benny Gantz, who was until recently a minister in Netanyahu's war cabinet. "In the past few months, we have faced many problems with our allies behind closed doors, including the issue of munitions."

Netanyahu had recently announced a soon-ending intense phase of the Gaza War, which would give Israel the opportunity to move some of its troops north. In the border area with Lebanon, the intensity of the fighting with Hezbollah has recently increased significantly. There is concern that the situation may escalate and lead to a full-blown war.

The Israeli military is reportedly holding weapons reserves for potential war with Lebanon, according to current and former Israeli officials, wrote the "Wall Street Journal." The irritation over the delay in US weapons deliveries is therefore a factor in possible future engagements in Lebanon.

German Foreign Office calls on Germans to leave Libanon

The German Foreign Office has again called on Germans in Libya to leave the country due to the situation at the border between Israel and Libanon. The situation at the Israel-Libanon border is very tense, the Foreign Ministry stated on Wednesday on its X platform. A further escalation could also lead to the complete suspension of flights from the Rafic-Hariri Airport in Beirut. "Leaving Libya by air would then no longer be possible."

The German Foreign Office had already called on German citizens and their families to leave Libya a few days after the Islamic Hamas' attack on Israel and the start of the Gaza War in October last year.

  1. Following the dissolution of obstacles and addressing shortages in military supplies, Joe Biden's administration has resumed normal weapons and ammunition deliveries to Israel, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal.
  2. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Joe Biden's national security advisor Jake Sullivan met with Israeli Defense Minister Joav Galant in Washington to address the delay in arms delivery.
  3. Benjamin Netanyahu's criticism of the US government over a delayed weapons delivery and public expressions of anger further strained Israel's relationship with the USA under President Joe Biden.
  4. Israeli air raids on Syria and Lebanon, allegedly targeting Hezbollah and other pro-Iranian militias, have resulted in civilian casualties and damaged structures in both countries.
  5. The Israeli Defense Forces continue exchanging gunfire with Hezbollah along the border with Lebanon, raising concerns of an escalation into a full-blown war between Israel and Lebanon.
  6. In an effort to mediate the conflict, the US withheld heavy bombs from Israel's military arsenal, hoping to prevent further violence and loss of civilians in the Gaza Strip.
  7. Benny Gantz, a former war cabinet minister in Netanyahu's government, criticized the Prime Minister's statements against Washington, stating that unnecessary disputes harm the strategic relationship between Israel and the USA.
  8. The US State Department acknowledges some delays in weapons deliveries to Israel but claims that they were not intentional and are now being addressed.
  9. Israel reportedly maintains stockpiles of weapons for potential conflict with Lebanon, as tensions between Israel and the militant group Hezbollah continue to rise.
  10. The German Foreign Office advises Germans to leave Lebanon due to the tense situation at the Israel-Lebanon border and possible flight suspensions from Beirut's Rafic-Hariri Airport.
  11. Israeli military reserves, including ammunition and other weapons, are closely monitored as the country prepares for potential conflict, citing the delay in US arms delivery as a possible factor.
  12. As the Gaza War intensifies, Netanyahu has announced an upcoming end to the conflict, providing Israel an opportunity to redeploy troops along its northern border with Lebanon amid rising tensions and increasing concerns of escalating conflicts.

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