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Israel: 7000 Hamas terrorists killed

Netanyahu praises USA for veto

An Israeli Apache helicopter fires a missile towards the Gaza
An Israeli Apache helicopter fires a missile towards the Gaza

Israel: 7000 Hamas terrorists killed

After the Hamas massacre of 1200 Israelis more than two months ago, a war breaks out with no end in sight. The demand for a new ceasefire is once again not met. Israel's head of government praises the USA for the veto. Meanwhile, Biden's government is coming under domestic political pressure.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has praised Washington for its veto against a humanitarian ceasefire in the Gaza war. "I highly appreciate the correct stance taken by the USA in the UN Security Council," the politician wrote in a statement published by his office.

The day before, Washington had vetoed a draft resolution introduced by the United Arab Emirates in the world organization's top body. The document would have provided for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in the Gaza war in order to give the Palestinian civilian population suffering from the fighting a respite. Similar attempts had previously failed due to resistance from the USA.

Hunt for Al-Sinwar underway

Other countries must understand that it is impossible to support the elimination of Hamas on the one hand and call for a halt to the war on the other, which would prevent the elimination of Hamas, Netanyahu wrote. "Therefore, Israel will continue our just war to eliminate Hamas and achieve the other war goals we have set for ourselves."

According to the latest figures from National Security Advisor Zachi Hanegbi, the Israeli armed forces have killed around 7,000 Hamas terrorists in the Gaza war so far. Israeli units have also moved very close to Hamas command centers in Jabalia and Shejaiya in the north of the Gaza Strip, Hanegbi told Channel 12. The information could not be independently verified. Hanegbi went on to say that the Israeli leadership's plan was to kill Hamas leader Jihia al-Sinwar. He wanted Hamas to fight to the bitter end.

Biden government under pressure

Meanwhile, the Biden administration continues to support Israel in terms of arms deliveries. The US State Department is pushing ahead with the sale of almost 14,000 rounds of tank ammunition to Israel, bypassing a review process in the US Congress that is normally required for arms sales to other states. The Department is invoking an emergency clause in the Arms Export Control Act, according to a statement published on Saturday. "In the interests of US national security", the immediate sale of ammunition worth more than 106 million dollars (around 98.4 million euros) to Israel is necessary.

According toa report in the Washington Post , the Biden administration is increasingly being criticized - including among US Democrats - for supplying potent weapons in connection with the apparent inability to efficiently assess and prevent breaches of humanitarian rules. According to the Hamas-controlled Ministry of Health, 17,700 people have died as a result of Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip. The Ministry of Health's figures cannot currently be independently verified, but some aid organizations generally consider them to be realistic.

The war was triggered by the worst massacre in Israel's history, carried out by terrorists from Hamas and other extremist groups on October 7 in Israel near the border with the Gaza Strip. More than 1200 people were killed. Images of brutal massacres such as those at the Supernova festival went around the world. According to the Israeli army, 138 hostages are still being held by Hamas and other extremist groups in the Gaza Strip. The death of 25-year-old hostage Sahar Baruch was recently made public.

Read also:

Despite the high number of Hamas terrorists reportedly killed by Israel during the ongoing conflict, there continue to be calls for a humanitarian ceasefire to protect the civilian population in Gaza. The Biden administration's handling of the situation, including its arms deliveries to Israel and potential breaches of humanitarian rules, has come under criticism from both domestic and international sources.


