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"Isolated Ewe" Expatriates Her Sheep-Like Qualities

Fiona currently resides at Dalscone Farm presently.
Fiona currently resides at Dalscone Farm presently.

"Isolated Ewe" Expatriates Her Sheep-Like Qualities

After decades of solitude, the "most solitary sheep in the UK" was rescued from a precipice in 2023. Now, it should be capable of living a tranquil life among its fellow sheep on a farm. Yet, "Fiona" appears to have acclimated to the absence of other sheep.

Close to a year ago, the "most solitary sheep in the UK" garnered international attention: The animal, known as "Fiona," possibly spent numerous years in total isolation upon a rocky cliff at the entrance of the Cromarty Firth in Scotland. Following its rescue, it was relocated to a farm. Regrettably, Fiona appears to struggle recalling what it means to be part of a flock.

Farmers anticipated Fiona to be timid around individuals, according to farmer Ben Best, who offered Fiona a new home at Dalscone Farm near Dumfries, as shared with the BBC. However, "she is very calm and relaxed" and "seems to enjoy her life on the farm."

Unfortunately, Fiona's interactions with her sheep counterparts pose an issue. Efforts have been made to introduce Fiona to her peers; however, the animals failed to communicate effectively and eventually had to be separated again. "I believe that's because she lived in solitude for over two years at the foot of the cliff - she may have somehow forgotten how to be a sheep," says Best.

"Large" Rescue Operation

Fiona was initially detected by a kayaker in 2021. The animal noticed her approaching, ran along the shore until it could advance no further, and baa'd, the woman recounted to "Metro." At that time, she assumed that the sheep could ascend the rocky precipice by itself. But when she returned two years later, it remained there.

Upon the media's coverage of the animal's predicament and 50,000 people signing a petition to save it, a shearer assembled a team of five volunteers. The group ventured to the Highlands and pushed and lifted the solitary sheep up the steep slope. The task proved formidable, as the volunteers described later, due to the animal's abundance of body weight. Photos depicted Fiona with an enormous, shaggy coat. The men also christened the sheep with its name: Fiona, after the romantic interest of the Shrek film character.

The reason Fiona found herself on the precipice remains unknown. However, Best discovered shortly after that she had no shortage of food there: "I expected a sheep that was rather thin, underweight, and needs dewormer," he elaborated. Surprisingly, he discovered an animal with "a little extra weight."

Presently, approximately a year after its rescue, Fiona is on a diet due to her recent weight gain. "She roams about quite freely and eats as much hay as she desires," explains Best. It is hoped that the "most solitary sheep in the UK" might one day remember that it is, in fact, a herd animal.

Despite being introduced to other sheep, Fiona's interactions with them have been challenging. She seems to have lost the ability to communicate effectively with her fellow animals, possibly due to her prolonged solitude.

The other animals on the farm have not been able to establish a connection with Fiona, which has led to their separation. It appears that Fiona's time spent in isolation has significantly affected her social behavior as a sheep.

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