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Islamists want to kill Prince Harry!

German investigative authorities are sounding the alarm: as reported by " Focus ", Islamists have called for the British Royal to be killed. This is according to a situation report from the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA).

AdilSeilov /

BKA sounds the alarm - Islamists want to kill Prince Harry!

Fear of an attack on Prince Harry (39)!

A week ago, the al-Qaeda media portal "AS-Sahab Media Foundation" had already called on the Muslim population worldwide to carry out an attack on Harry. The aim was to "use bloody attacks and revolutions to support the Palestinians". The terrorist organization Hamas was to be supported with a single blow.

Prince Harry and the USA, where Harry now lives with his wife Meghan (42) and their two children Archie (4) and Lilibet (2), were named as the primary targets in the appeal.

But why Prince Harry?

► The royal incurred the wrath of radical Islamists some time ago. Harry served twice as a helicopter co-pilot in Afghanistan (between 2007 and 2013) - and revealed in his autobiography "Reserve" (published at the beginning of the year) how he killed 25 Taliban there.

In response, the Taliban accused Harry of war crimes: He had not killed 25 Taliban terrorists, but civilians.

In a statement shortly after the book was published, it said: "Those you killed were not pawns, they were human beings; they had families waiting for their return. We checked and found that there were no casualties in Helmand on the days Prince Harry mentioned the killing of 25 Mujahideen."

Either way, Harry has made enemies with his revelation, who are now openly threatening him. The BKA sees the new call as a "symbolic act of revenge and punishment of all Israel supporters" in Israel's current war against the Hamas barbarians. Harry has "made himself guilty" through his Afghanistan mission; his "execution" is therefore a "satisfying goal", it says.

Not only al-Qaeda, but also ISIS is using the current Middle East war to stir up sentiment against the West ("crusaders and Zionists"). The conflict is an opportunity to defeat the enemy, declared the Syrian al-Qaeda offshoot.

As recently as mid-November, ISIS published a video guide entitled "Practical steps in the fight against the Jews". The Islamists also called out: "Fight against those of the infidels who are near you!"

Lesen Sie auch:

  1. The Federal Criminal Police Office has issued a warning about potential threats against Prince Harry, citing Islamist groups like al-Qaeda and ISIS who find motivation in the ongoing Middle East conflicts.
  2. The Taliban has accused Prince Harry of war crimes, claiming that the 25 Taliban members he claimed to have killed were in fact civilians, following Harry's revelations in his autobiography.
  3. The English royals, including Prince Harry, have long been targets of terrorism groups, with the Taliban, al-Qaeda, ISIS, and even Hamas who supports Palestinian causes, expressing their intent to harm them.
  4. The current conflict between Israel and Hamas is being exploited by terror organizations like ISIS and the Syrian al-Qaeda offshoot to stir up anti-Western sentiment, using it as an opportunity to achieve their goals.
  5. ISIS recently published a video guide titled "Practical steps in the fight against the Jews," encouraging its followers to harass and harm individuals close to them perceived as infidels.
  6. Terrorist groups like Al-Qaida and ISIS view Prince Harry as their enemy due to his involvement in the Afghanistan war, seeing his execution as a satisfying form of revenge.
  7. Despite the threats, Prince Harry continues to live in the USA with his wife Meghan and their children, showing no signs of backing down or being deterred by the potential danger.

