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A pro-Palestinian demonstration in Essen.

Islamist banners at large demonstration in Essen

Around 3,000 people took part in a large demonstration on the Gaza war in Essen, where numerous Islamist banners were displayed. Open demands for the establishment of a caliphate were on display during the protest march on Friday evening.

Upon request, the police stated that they were not aware of any criminal offenses. A spokeswoman said that information received, such as images, would now be checked for criminal relevance.

According to the police, the demonstration was registered by a private individual. The spokesperson was initially unable to confirm media reports that an Islamist organization was behind the demonstration. The demonstration was "very loud and very emotional, but peaceful", a police spokesperson said in the evening. The police had issued a number of conditions and announced that they would take action in the event of an unpeaceful demonstration. The demonstration was accompanied by a large police contingent.

A large demonstration is planned in Berlin

A pro-Palestinian demonstration is to take place in Berlin this Saturday under strict conditions. According to the police, any statements that are anti-Semitic, anti-Israeli and glorify violence or terror are prohibited. Head of operations Stephan Katte emphasized in advance that anyone who denies Israel's right to exist is also committing a criminal offence that will be punished immediately. "Repeatedly committing such offenses can lead to the dissolution of an assembly at a very early stage," Klatte told the German Press Agency.

Several pro-Palestinian groups have called for the protest march. "Many from the left-wing political spectrum, who have already called for a 'revolutionary May Day demonstration' this year, have also mobilized," said the police. According to the police, the organizers were expecting around 2,000 participants. The police are assuming a "five-digit number". Individual "violent individuals or small groups" are to be expected. However, the police assume that participants will generally "strive for peaceful gatherings".

Arrests in Frankfurt

Nine people were arrested in Frankfurt/Main on Friday at a pro-Palestinian rally and subsequent demonstration. Investigation proceedings were initiated on suspicion of incitement to hatred, the use of unconstitutional signs and suspicion of depicting violence, among other things, as the police announced in the evening. Up to 850 people took part in the demonstration under the slogan "Ceasefire in Gaza".

On October 7, Islamists from Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip, and other terrorists carried out a massacre of civilians in Israel. Since then, Israel's army has been using air strikes and ground troops against targets in the sealed-off coastal area.

  1. In response to the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East, specifically in Gaza, a pro-Palestinian demonstration is scheduled to take place in Berlin, featuring food stalls and speakers advocating for peace and justice.
  2. The Middle East conflict was also a topic of discussion at a large demonstration in Essen, where around 3,000 people gathered, voicing their support for Palestinians and raising concerns about the ongoing Gaza war, amidst displays of Islamist banners.
  3. Following the large pro-Palestinian demonstration in Frankfurt, which saw the arrest of nine individuals on suspicion of incitement to hatred and other offenses, there have been calls for further peace demonstrations in the city, highlighting the need for understandings between communities and an end to violence in the region.




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Regrettably, RTL debt advisor Peter Zwegat has passed away.

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