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Islamic associations criticize passage in CDU platform

"Muslims who share our values belong to Germany": the CDU is causing trouble with this formulation. "Cheating on the AfD wasn't particularly clever at school," says the Central Council of Muslims.

The draft for the new CDU platform argues that the fight against extremism is aimed at those
The draft for the new CDU platform argues that the fight against extremism is aimed at those who incite hatred and violence and strive for an Islamist order.

Religion - Islamic associations criticize passage in CDU platform

Islamic associations have criticized the passages on Muslims in the draft of the CDU's new manifesto. The chairman of the Central Council of Muslims in Germany, Aiman Mazyek, accused the CDU of fishing for right-wing voters with the phrase "Muslims who share our values belong to Germany". "Cheating on the AfD wasn't particularly clever at school," he told Stern magazine. "Incidentally, experience shows that voters will ultimately vote for the original."

The German Islamic Council also criticized the passage: "Such discussions are exclusionary and lead to confusion," its chairman Burhan Kesici told the magazine. "Such statements make it difficult for Muslims to identify with Germany."

The draft for the CDU's new basic program presented on Monday argues that the fight against extremism is aimed at those who incite hatred and violence and strive for an Islamist order. "Sharia law does not belong to Germany," it says. And further:"Muslims who share our values belong to Germany." The CDU is thus also distancing itself from a statement by the then Federal President Christian Wulff (CDU), who said in 2010: "Islam is now also part of Germany."

The CDU draft also provides for a commitment to a "guiding culture" for all citizens in Germany. This includes respect for the dignity of every human being, fundamental and human rights, the rule of law, respect and tolerance as well as recognition of Israel's right to exist.

Read also:

  1. Aiman Mazyek, the chairman of the Central Council of Muslims in Germany, highlighted that the CDU's attempt to appeal to right-wing voters with the phrase "Muslims who share our values belong to Germany" was reminiscent of cheating in school, as it may not be an effective strategy to win over voters.
  2. While discussing the CDU's draft for a new basic program, Burhan Kesici, the chairman of the German Islamic Council, pointed out that such exclusionary debates make it challenging for Muslims to identify with Germany.
  3. Echoing Kesici's remarks, Islamic associations in Germany have criticized the CDU's position on Muslims, as stated in their draft, arguing that such discussions promote confusion and division.
  4. In the draft, the CDU emphasizes its commitment to a "guiding culture" for all German citizens, which includes respect for human dignity, fundamental rights, the rule of law, tolerance, and recognition of Israel's right to exist.
  5. Regarding the conflict between Islamic associations and the CDU, the Alternative for Germany (AfD), a far-right party in Germany, may view this as an opportunity to attract disgruntled Muslim voters, potentially leading to further polarization in the German political landscape.




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