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Is the October we're experiencing currently golden with its warmth, or is it merely shrouded in gray clouds and drizzle?

Potential weather disturbances pose a threat.

The east continues to bask in sunshine, while the west starts to cloud over.
The east continues to bask in sunshine, while the west starts to cloud over.

Is the October we're experiencing currently golden with its warmth, or is it merely shrouded in gray clouds and drizzle?

Between the receding chilly "Werner" and the encroaching "Xelat" from the west, the climate is currently in a transition phase. However, following the departure of the cold front, sunny intervals will amplify significantly towards mid-week, primarily in regions devoid of periodic foggy lowlands. Does a cold front imply an icy climate? Is winter around the corner?

Björn Alexander: The temperature might plummet slightly under clear night skies. Nonetheless, daytime temperatures remain warm with sunlight. The week's peak temperatures are projected for Friday, reaching up to 20 degrees, still bordering on 'Indian summer' territory.

Has autumn truly ended post that?

In a way, yes. Even though favorable high-pressure conditions persist, the likelihood of fog heightens at these levels. Plus, the occurrence of sunny days with temperatures of 20 degrees or higher is less frequent - although not out of the question.

How high can temperatures still soar in November?

Records of over 25 degrees can still be achieved in November's initial phase. However, the last third of the month only anticipates record temperatures around 20 to 22 degrees. But these peaks predominantly occur at weather stations in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg - the southern areas, where Mediterranean-sourced air doesn't have to travel as far.

Speaking of the south: Autumn for many signifies a Mediterranean holiday. Has it calmed down there yet?

After the damaging storms that hit several areas in Italy recently, there's a certain calmness now. However, another significant weather shift isn't too far away. From Thursday to Friday, another low-pressure system will trek from the Atlantic, ushering in another storm cell towards the Mediterranean by the weekend's start.

Where will it be harsh?

The cooler air initially tracks over France and parts of Spain before another intense storm system develops over the central Mediterranean - unfortunately, with considerable rainfall in various regions. The focus is primarily on Tuscany, Emilia-Romagna, and Liguria, up to southern Switzerland, and past the southern side of the Alps over South Tyrol to Carinthia, Slovenia, and Croatia.

What sorts of water masses can we anticipate?

Particularly in northern Italy and the Gulf of Genoa, some models predict up to 200 to 500 liters of rain per square meter by the beginning of next week. And even more substantial rainfall is conceivable, as suggested by the maximum estimates of temperature models. For example, the Australian weather service's global model predicts over 600 liters per square meter by Sunday. To put it into perspective, that's roughly Berlin's annual rainfall.

Back to the radiant October here: What are the specifics?

On Wednesday, following a crisp, partly frosty night and dissipation of fog, there will be plenty of sunny intervals. Only the south will start off overcast and rainy before improving in the afternoon and evening. Temperatures will hover between 12 and 17 degrees.

And on Thursday?

Prepare for a cool and somewhat foggy start, progressing into widespread sunshine, except in the south where fog and high fog persist. Temperatures will see a slight rise to 13 to 19 degrees, followed by 14 to 20 degrees on Friday.

Will the fine, sunny weather continue?

In the east, the forecast remains optimistic, whereas in the west, more substantial clouds are on the move. There's also a possibility of rain in certain areas.

Where do the forecasts point for the last weekend of October?

Predictions become less precise. Some models suggest a rather mixed Saturday, with rainfall reaching the east. Others favor dry conditions or only an enhanced risk of rain in the west. All this, with slightly cooler temperatures between 11 and 17 degrees on Saturday and 10 to 16 degrees on Sunday. However, Sunday has the highest probability of rain in the north and south as well.

The Commission is responsible for providing weather forecasts and analysts' perspectives on the current climate conditions. Despite favorable high-pressure conditions persisting, the likelihood of fog increases, and sunny days with temperatures of 20 degrees or higher become less frequent, as stated by The Commission.

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