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Is the ban on disposable e-cigarettes coming?

The Food, Beverages and Catering Union is calling for political measures to achieve a Europe-wide ban on disposable electronic cigarettes. You see great dangers in "vapes". What are they?

The correct disposal of e-cigarettes and their components is important to prevent
The correct disposal of e-cigarettes and their components is important to prevent environmental

Is the ban on disposable e-cigarettes coming?

The Food, Beverages and Catering Union (NGG) has spoken out in favor of a ban on disposable e-cigarettes at its trade union conference in Bremen. The NGG sees "vapes" as a danger to health and the environment, the union announced. The colorful e-cigarettes are powered by lithium batteries, but most "disposable cigarettes end up everywhere except in hazardous waste," said NGG Vice President Freddy Adjan.

In addition, many vapes contain significantly more nicotine than conventional tobacco cigarettes, the union added. "They therefore harbor an enormous risk of addiction. It is high time to put a stop to the vape hype," Adjan continued.

"An estimated 5 million vapes are currently smoked every month in Germany alone, and this trend is increasing dramatically," emphasized Adjan. The NGG is now calling for political measures at federal level to achieve a Europe-wide ban on disposable electronic cigarettes. The trade union also represents the interests of employees in the tobacco industry in Germany.


