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Is Biden considering withdrawing? White House denies reports

Biden's botched TV duel continues to draw circles. Reports from the "New York Times" and CNN about the US President's alleged thoughts of withdrawing are promptly followed by a clear denial from the White House.

Is Joe Biden withdrawing his candidacy? According to reports, he is considering it. But the White...
Is Joe Biden withdrawing his candidacy? According to reports, he is considering it. But the White House denies it

US election 2024 - Is Biden considering withdrawing? White House denies reports

US-President Joe Biden expressed concern to a "significant" confidant about the prospects of his campaign, according to a report in the "New York Times" on Wednesday. The Democrat is aware that he needs to convince the public in the coming days that he is up to the job, the paper quoted an unnamed confidant as saying. The 81-year-old reportedly told the confidant that he knows his candidacy might not be salvageable if he cannot convince the public of his fitness for the presidency in the coming days.

Referencing his weak performance against Donald Trump the previous week, it was reported that Biden acknowledged that if two such events occurred before the end of the weekend, "we would be in a different place" (English: "we'd be in a different place").

White House denies report by "New York Times"

The headline of the report stated that Biden had told the confidant he was considering continuing his campaign. The report itself did not contain any quotes from the president.

CNN also reported, citing an unnamed Biden confidant, that the next few days were crucial for his re-election bid. "He's aware of the moment. He has a clear vision," the person told CNN. "The poll numbers are dropping, the fundraising is drying up, and the interviews are not going well. He's not oblivious." It was unclear if this was the same source.

The White House has denied the report by the "New York Times." "This allegation is completely false," a White House spokesperson said in response to a query. "If the 'New York Times' had given us more than seven minutes to comment, we would have." The White House did not indicate whether it would comment on the CNN report.

Calls for Biden to withdraw are growing louder

In the past week, Democrat Biden had a disastrous performance at a TV debate against his challenger Donald Trump. The pressure on the Democrat is also growing within his own ranks. The most prominent faces of the party have so far kept their harsh criticism to themselves and publicly stand behind Biden.

The White House is working to dispel doubts about his qualifications for the office and to help forget his disastrous TV performance as much as possible.

Biden is scheduled to meet with Democratic governors today to secure their support. He will give a television interview on Friday. Campaign events in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania are planned for the coming days. In the coming week, he will give a press conference at the NATO summit in Washington.

  1. Despite the White House denial, CNN reported that Joe Biden's re-election bid is deemed critical by one of his confidants, with poll numbers dropping, fundraising drying up, and challenging interviews.
  2. With his weak performance in the US election debate against Donald Trump, there are growing calls for Joe Biden to withdraw from the 2024 US-Election campaign, as reported by several media outlets including the New York Times.
  3. During a meeting with Democratic governors, US President Joe Biden aims to secure their support to strengthen his position in the face of mounting criticism and concerns about his fitness for the White House in the upcoming 2024 US-Election.
  4. Although White House officials deny the reports of Biden's concern about his campaign, CNN and the New York Times have both highlighted the potential challenges he may face in his bid for the 2024 US-Election, fueling debate and speculation in the US-Election 2024 landscape.

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