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Iran: Leader Khamenei openly discusses Iran's nuclear program with the U.S.

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Iranian top leader Ali Khamenei attends a weapon showcase organized by the Revolutionary Guard,...
Iranian top leader Ali Khamenei attends a weapon showcase organized by the Revolutionary Guard, possibly hinting at potential military action against Israel.

Iran: Leader Khamenei openly discusses Iran's nuclear program with the U.S.

Iran's top dog, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, seems to be up for chatting with the Yanks about their nuclear situation. In a chat with the Iranian President, Massoud Peschian, broadcast on state TV on a Tuesday, Khamenei claimed there were no limits to talking with the adversary. However, he drew distinct lines in the sand for any negotiations and issued stern reminders about trusting the States. His sentiments mirrored those he expressed back in 2015 during the nuclear deal, where Iran agreed to tone down their nuclear program in exchange for the lifting of sanctions.

Khamenei, being the big boss of all state matters in Iran, had promising negotiations with the West on his presidential campaign agenda. His foreign minister, Abbas Araghchi, played a significant role in the negotiations that led to the 2015 nuclear deal. Former foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, who attended the meeting between Khamenei and Peschian, later joined the cabinet as vice president.

The U.S. State Department, when nudged by AP, hinted that they'd assess the Iranian leadership based on their actions, not their speeches. They believe diplomacy is the best bet for a long-term, successful solution to the nuclear fiasco. "But let's face it, we're a long way from there when you consider Iran's pushing the envelope in various areas, including nukes, and their lack of interest in cooperating with the Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)," they claimed. If Iran wants to show they're serious or have a fresh approach, they should pausing their nuclear advancements and start helping IAEA constructively."

Following the fall of the 2015 nuclear pact, Iran has tossed out all its limitations. They've enriched uranium to near-weapons-grade levels. Donald Trump, former U.S. President, pulled the U.S. out of the agreement.

Khamenei reiterated his stance on Iran's nuclear programme during his conversation with Peschian, emphasizing that the country will not compromise on its nuclear rights. Despite the 2015 nuclear deal, which involved limiting Iran's nuclear programme, the nuclear programme remains a significant aspect of Iran's national security.

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