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Iran carries out its threat and increases uranium enrichment.

International pressure over Iran's nuclear dispute has recently intensified, prompting a response from Tehran. Is the Islamic Republic pursuing nuclear weapons?

IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi. The International Atomic Energy Agency has published a report...
IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi. The International Atomic Energy Agency has published a report on uranium enrichment in Iran (archive image).

IAEA-issued report - Iran carries out its threat and increases uranium enrichment.

Based on a resolution issued by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) regarding Iran, it's revealed that Teheran is greatly expanding its uranium enrichment operations. The IAEA reported that Iran has installed more efficient centrifuges for uranium enrichment in Vienna.

The Islamic Republic has stated that they have installed numerous more high-performing centrifuges. As per an IAEA report, about 350 of these new machines have been constructed in a hidden facility at Fordow, while 350 others are under construction.

The IAEA's Governors Board had mandated in a previous resolution that Iran cooperates with their inspectors to address outstanding questions about potential secret nuclear activities. Germany, France, and the UK subtly threatened the activation of the UN Security Council if Iran didn't provide answers. Iran's government retaliated by claiming that they would respond with a "proportionate, effective, and immediate response."

The US State Department reacts strongly to the nuclear activities detailed by the IAEA. "The activities described in the report only make it more difficult for Iran to claim its nuclear program is solely peaceful," said State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller on Thursday. The United States vows to "handle the matter appropriately," should Iran proceed with its announcements.

Iran claims they use uranium enrichment solely for peaceful purposes. However, they create uranium to a level of purity that far surpasses what's required for fuel or research. Iran had committed in 2015 to substantially scale down its nuclear program. In exchange, Western countries provided sanction relief. After that, then-President Donald Trump revoked the agreement. Iran reactivated its uranium enrichment facilities.

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