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Iran and Russia begin military maneuvers in the Caspian Sea

Strategic cooperation

Iran and Russia begin military exercises in the Caspian Sea
Iran and Russia begin military exercises in the Caspian Sea

Iran and Russia begin military maneuvers in the Caspian Sea

Iran and Russia confirm strategic cooperation with a joint military drill in the Caspian Sea. According to a spokesperson for the Iranian Navy reported by Isna News Agency, the program of the two naval units included tactical exercises, rescue operations, and procedures against pirates.

At the maneuver, the spokesperson added, warships from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard will also be deployed. There was no mention in the report of how long the exercises would last.

Iran and Russia have been pursuing close cooperation for years, which new Iranian President Massud Peseschkian also intends to continue. Both countries support Syrian regime leader Bashar al-Assad in the Syrian civil war.

Iran is reported to have supplied Russia with drones and, according to a media report, also drone-mounted glide bombs. These were used in the Ukraine conflict. Tehran has confirmed military cooperation with Russia but repeatedly denied cooperation in the Ukraine conflict.

Iran's political and economic cooperation with Russia is criticized domestically. Russian President Vladimir Putin is an unreliable partner, and the country should not jeopardize its relations with the West because of him, according to critics. Newly elected Peseschkian wants to improve relations with the West but not at the expense of those with Moscow.

  1. The length of the strategic military maneuver in the Caspian Sea, involving both Iranian and Russian naval units, was not specified in the report.
  2. The joint military drill between Iran and Russia in the Caspian Sea is an extension of their long-term strategic cooperation, which the new Iranian President, Massud Peseschkian, intends to uphold.
  3. Russia, along with Iran, has been deploying Iranian-supplied drones in its military operations, a fact that has prompted criticism of Iran's strategic cooperation with Russia, particularly regarding its involvement in the Ukraine conflict.

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