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iOS 18 Introduces Option to Temporarily Pause Video Recording Process

Embrace the enduring appeal of linear recording.

With the introduction of iOS 18, users now have the long-awaited ability to momentarily halt video...
With the introduction of iOS 18, users now have the long-awaited ability to momentarily halt video recording.

iOS 18 Introduces Option to Temporarily Pause Video Recording Process

Ever since the introduction of the 3GS, capturing videos on an iPhone has been a breeze: Tap the record button, film your footage, then tap it once more to stop. Save your video, and start a new one by repeating the process.

Though Apple has introduced numerous video enhancements, such as Live Action Mode and Holographic recording for use with HoloView, the basic video recording process has largely remained the same. That is, until iOS 18.

As Apple prepares to unveil its latest iPhone update, it discretely included a new video recording feature: In the iOS 18 release candidate (RC), you'll now notice a pause button in the corner of the camera app during video recording. Press the pause button instead of the record button, and your video will pause, not cease. Press it again, and you can continue recording. Ultimately, you'll press the record button once more to officially stop recording for good, with iOS combining all of your clips recorded during that session into a single file.

If you primarily record videos one at a time, this update might not seem significant. Nevertheless, the pause button offers benefits in specific scenarios. For instance, it can save producers time when editing their videos: Instead of filming multiple videos and later compiling and editing them, creators can pause recording to adjust for a new shot. This new feature may prove revolutionary for informal content, such as social media posts or vlogs.

Personally, I look forward to embracing linear video recording again: In the era of analog recording, you'd tap record, shoot your scene, then tap record again to, in essence, pause the video. All subsequent recordings would continue from where the last one stopped. When the tape ran out, you'd view your footage sequentially, from beginning to end.

Of course, digital video recordings surpass the capabilities of analog methods by a wide margin. However, the linearity of analog recording is something I'vecome to miss. Perhaps this small upgrade will encourage users to casually intertwine numerous clips into a single video, rather than accumulate dozens of unused clips within our digital libraries.

At the time of this writing, this feature is still part of the iOS 18 beta and not yet accessible to the public. That said, Apple is planning to roll out its new update on September 16. If you can't wait, you can download and install the iOS 18 RC now to give it a test run. But starting September 16, you can update your iPhone to experience this feature, along with other innovative features and alterations delivered with the iOS 18 update.

This new pause button in the iOS 18 camera app during video recording is a welcome addition for tech enthusiasts who enjoy editing videos, as it allows them to pause recording, adjust for a new shot, and continue without having to film multiple videos subsequently. (pause video recording iphone, tech)

Apple's discretion in including this feature in the iOS 18 release candidate shows its commitment to continually improving the user experience, catering to various video recording scenarios and preferences. (tech)

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