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Investigators found thousands of pieces of evidence in Klett's apartment

New tips for sought-after dust

Thousands of exhibits, including weapons and ammunition, were secured from the Berlin apartment of...
Thousands of exhibits, including weapons and ammunition, were secured from the Berlin apartment of the alleged RAF terrorist Daniela Klette after her arrest.

Investigators found thousands of pieces of evidence in Klett's apartment

**Early July, the LKA Niedersachsen publishes new photos of the suspected RAF terrorist Staub. Since then, a considerable number of tips have come in. The search for the suspected RAF terrorist Ernst-Volker Staub is ongoing, according to the Lower Saxony Criminal Police Office (LKA) in Hannover. Since the publication of new photos of Staub in early July, a considerable number of tips have been received. These will be further evaluated and processed. In addition to Staub, Burkhard Garweg has been wanted since 2015.

The third member of the former suspected RAF trio, Daniela Klette, was arrested in Berlin in February. The investigators have now also published photos of possible weapons used by the trio to rob money transporters. In Klette's apartment, the LKA reportedly found a "convincing replica" of a RPG-7 rocket launcher. With the replica, Klette, Staub, and Garweg allegedly intimidated and threatened their victims during several robberies. In addition to this, a Polish assault rifle similar to the AK-47 type and a Czech machine pistol were discovered. Both were reportedly war weapons. At least one of these weapons was reportedly used during the robberies. Munition was also found.

According to the LKA, since Klette's arrest, 240,000 Euros in cash and a kilogram of gold were seized. Preliminary findings suggest that at least part of this sum was obtained during the robberies. However, the investigators believe that Klette also exchanged larger sums of stolen money into smaller amounts. They are currently seeking witnesses. In total, thousands of pieces of evidence have been seized since Klette's arrest. These include not only weapons and cash but also digital media such as photos and personal belongings of the suspects.

2.7 million Euros stolen in robberies

During the robberies, the suspects reportedly used utensils for identity concealment, as the LKA further reported. Items such as wigs, beards, adhesive strips, and storm helmets were seized. Additionally, the trio apparently used a mobile blue light device and a radio transmitter during their crimes to facilitate their escape. Garweg and Staub allegedly committed armed robberies on money transporters and supermarkets between 1996 and 2016, in collaboration with Klette.

According to the latest investigations, they are believed to have stolen approximately 2.7 million Euros in total. The three are also believed to have belonged to the former command echelon of the RAF and were involved in attacks. The left-extremist Red Army Faction (RAF) was active from the early 70s to the early 90s and is believed to be responsible for more than 30 murders. The robberies likely provided the funds for a life in hiding.**

  1. The Lower Saxony Criminal Police Office (LKA) in Hannover is still actively searching for suspected RAF terrorist Ernst-Volker Staub, following the publication of new photos in early July.
  2. The RAF terrorist suspected of left-extremism, Ernst-Volker Staub, allegedly used intimidating tactics during robberies with replicas of weapons like a RPG-7 rocket launcher and other war weapons.
  3. In a joint operation with international authorities, the German police arrested a suspected RAF member in Berlin, seizing large amounts of cash and gold suspectedly obtained from robberies linked to terrorism.
  4. The investigation into the activities of the former RAF members, including Staub, has uncovered evidence and surveillance footage from various locations in Berlin and Hannover, highlighting their alleged involvement in terrorism and armed robberies.

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