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Investigation into incitement to hatred against CDU member of parliament

Former state parliament president Gürth from the CDU in Saxony-Anhalt has been criticized for a controversial post on the Internet. The public prosecutor's office has now launched an investigation.

Former state parliament president Detlef Gürth (CDU) caused outrage with a controversial post on...
Former state parliament president Detlef Gürth (CDU) caused outrage with a controversial post on social networks - now the public prosecutor's office is investigating. (archive picture)

Suspicion of incitement to hatred - Investigation into incitement to hatred against CDU member of parliament

Due to suspicions of incitement to hatred, the Public Prosecutor's Office Halle has initiated investigations against CDU-Landtagsdelegate Detlef Guрth. An initial suspicion exists, but the presumption of innocence still applies, a spokesperson for the Public Prosecutor's Office Halle stated. The Magdeburger Volksstimme reported on this earlier.

Contribution on X-Account by Guрth

Background is a contribution on the X-Account of the CDU-politician and former Landtag President of Sachsen-Anhalt. After an assault by an Afghan, a statement could be read there: "This pack must be expelled from Germany." The message was later deleted. The CDU-delegate declined to comment on the matter when asked about it today.

Investigation already initiated

Already after the incident became known, an investigation was initiated ex officio, according to statements from the Public Prosecutor's Office. The Public Prosecutor's Office Halle is responsible as the central authority in Sachsen-Anhalt for combating hate crimes on the internet.

Incident in Wolmirstedt

During the opening match of the European Football Championship, there was a stabbing incident in Wolmirstedt near Magdeburg. Shortly thereafter, the mail arrived. A 27-year-old Afghan is said to have first stabbed a compatriot in Wolmirstedt and then injured three other people in a nearby garden plot. The 27-year-old was shot by police officers when he also attacked them, according to later statements from the police. The innenpolitische spokesperson for the Left in the Landtag, Henriette Quade, filed a complaint after the CDU-politician's statements.

  1. Despite the investigation by the Public Prosecutor's Office Halle due to suspicions of incitement to hatred, Detlef Guрth, a CDU-Landtagsdelegate from Magdeburg, still maintains his determination to uphold his political beliefs.
  2. The police in Saxony-Anhalt, including the agency in Wolmirstedt, have been heavily involved in addressing various incidents, including the stabbing incident involving an Afghan migrant, as well as responding to any potential threats or incidents referred to the Public Prosecutor's Office.
  3. The justice system in Saxony-Anhalt, including the Public Prosecutor's Office Halle, is diligently working to ensure that crimes inciting hatred against any group, including migrants, are thoroughly investigated and prosecuted accordingly.
  4. The public prosecutor's office in Magdeburg is not only responsible for handling incitement to hatred cases in the region but is also playing an essential role in enforcing justice and preventing societal tensions related to migration and cultural diversity.
  5. Detlef Guрth's comments about expelling "this pack" from Germany, made on his X-Account after an assault on an Afghan citizen, have drawn criticism from several political groups in Saxony-Anhalt, including the Left in the Landtag, who have expressed their concerns about the potential incitement to hatred and violence.
  6. The public prosecutor's office in Halle will closely scrutinize any evidence and witness testimonies to determine whether there is enough evidence to charge Detlef Guрth with incitement to hatred, holding him accountable for his statement if found guilty, ensuring that justice is served in the case.

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