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Investigation concludes: Yearbook photo of Jewish student organization inadvertently replaced with images of Muslim pupils in New Jersey school, deemed regrettable mix-up.

Following an inquiry triggered by altered yearbook images at a New Jersey high school, it's been found that the incident involved an unintentional swap of a Jewish Student Union photo with one featuring Muslim students, without any malicious intent.

East Brunswick High School in New Jersey
East Brunswick High School in New Jersey

Investigation concludes: Yearbook photo of Jewish student organization inadvertently replaced with images of Muslim pupils in New Jersey school, deemed regrettable mix-up.

A photograph erroneously included in East Brunswick High School's 2024 yearbook, distributed to the senior class on June 6, sparked an independent investigation that concluded on Tuesday, as reported by attorney Yaacov Brisman, who was employed by the school district to carry out the probe.

Students were requested to return their yearbooks for the problematic page to be replaced, as previously reported by CNN.

The Yearbook Club advisor, whose identity remains undisclosed, within the school's staff, mistakenly placed the inappropriate image in the yearbook, according to Brisman's report.

"I find that the employment of the incorrect photograph was not intentional, but rather a deeply unfortunate oversight," Brisman wrote in his report, further stating that the staff member's actions were "at best careless" and "can also be considered negligent."

He also stated that he found no evidence of any prejudice, religious, racial, or political against Jewish or Muslim students on behalf of the staff member.

Following the revelation of the swapped photo, the Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey demanded transparency and responsibility.

Ali Salama, Vice President of the Muslim Student Association, issued a statement following the incident's disclosure, stating that despite their non-involvement in the incident, they had unwittingly become the focal point due to the absence of blurring of their faces before the photograph was uploaded to social media.

In his report, Brisman provided a set of suggestions for the school district, including a reevaluation of the entire Yearbook production process and the implementation of more advanced review mechanisms.

Decisions regarding disciplinary action against the school administration for the error will be left to the administration's discretion, Brisman wrote.

The unnamed school staff member, who was interviewed during the investigation, expressed deep regret for her blunder and sadness at the uproar it caused, according to Brisman's report.

The superintendent of East Brunswick Public Schools, Victor Valeski, stated in a Wednesday press release: "Although I'm relieved that the investigation's results demonstrate that these actions were unintentional and without malice, we must now work to heal the deep wounds and divisions that have been created in our school and community."

The school district will collaborate with the state's board of education to ensure accountability for the mistakes made and implement measures, such as a tolerance training program for the upcoming school year, to prevent a recurrence of such incidents, as stated by the superintendent.

Report contributed by CNN’s Emma Tucker and Taso Stefanidis

Yearbook for East Brunswick High School in New Jersey.

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