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Investigating federal authorities over allegations of incinerating mail parcels

At Leipzig Airport's DHL facility, a blaze ignited, engulfing numerous delivery packages.
At Leipzig Airport's DHL facility, a blaze ignited, engulfing numerous delivery packages.

Investigating federal authorities over allegations of incinerating mail parcels

It appears that luck prevented a major disaster from occurring. Multiple parcels ignited at the DHL cargo facility in Leipzig back in July. The German Federal Prosecutor's Office is currently examining the possibility that this was an intentional act of sabotage orchestrated from Moscow.

As per statements made by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution President, Thomas Haldenwang, the burning parcel deliveries at Leipzig Airport could have led to a plane crash. In response, the Federal Prosecutor's Office has initiated an investigation into the fires that occurred during the transit of parcels through the DHL cargo center in Leipzig during July. The spokesperson for the Karlsruhe authority informed the German Press Agency (dpa) that further information about the situation is currently withheld due to ongoing investigations.

The Federal Prosecutor's Office investigates a variety of crimes, including those directed against the Federal Republic of Germany.

The chairman of the Parliamentary Control Committee of the Bundestag, Konstantin von Notz of the Greens, stated that if it is proven to be an intentional act of sabotage, then the incident would be highly significant and serious. Von Notz expects the relevant security authorities and the judiciary to investigate the matter thoroughly and reveal the details as soon as possible.

During Haldenwang's annual hearing with the Parliamentary Control Committee on Monday, he revealed that Germany had come close to a plane crash as a consequence of a suspected Russian-initiated fire of an air cargo package. According to Haldenwang, it was fortunate that the package caught fire at the DHL logistics center in Leipzig rather than during the flight, which would have made a crash unavoidable.

It is worth noting that the onward transfer of the cargo package from the Baltic region was delayed in Leipzig, which allowed the incendiary device contained within the package to ignite and cause a fire to a cargo container, but not the aircraft.

The Federal Prosecutor's Office, as part of its duties, is handling the investigation into the potential sabotage at the DHL cargo facility in Leipzig.

If the Commission, which is responsible for overseeing the activities of the Federal Prosecutor's Office, finds evidence of Russian involvement in this incident, it could have significant implications for Germany's relations with Moscow.

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