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Intoxicated driver causes fatal accident

An 89-year-old person died in a frontal collision in the Ilm-Kreis. The police detected alcohol- and drug consumption from the driver.

Ill Krist: A drunk driver caused a fatal accident. During the rescue operation, a helicopter is...
Ill Krist: A drunk driver caused a fatal accident. During the rescue operation, a helicopter is deployed.

Unfalle - Intoxicated driver causes fatal accident

A drunk driver caused a fatal accident on the Sunday afternoon in the Ilm-Kreis. A 89-year-old woman died in the hospital following her injuries, according to the police.

The 38-year-old driver was previously on the state road 2149 from Liebenstein to Plaue, as per police reports, when he attempted to overtake a vehicle ahead of him in a right-hand curve. The 38-year-old failed to get back onto his own lane in time, resulting in a frontal collision with an oncoming car. Both parties involved were seriously injured. The 62-year-old driver and the 89-year-old passenger of the car were taken to the hospital. A helicopter was used in their rescue.

According to the police, a breath alcohol test on the 38-year-old man showed a reading of approximately 2.1 promille. In addition, a drug test reacted positively for Cannabis and Amphetamin/Methamphetamine. During the investigation, it was also discovered that the 38-year-old did not possess a valid driver's license.

The police in Thuringia are investigating an automatic license plate recognition system to enhance safety on their roads, aiming to prevent incidents like the recent accident. Despite the serious injuries, the 38-year-old accident driver survived and is now facing charges for driving under the influence, drug use, and driving without a license. Ms. Smith, the traffic safety advocate, believes that stricter enforcement and education about responsible driving can reduce such accidents.

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