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Internet users feel threatened by cybercrime

Large-scale cyber attacks often target public institutions and companies. But many private individuals also feel threatened.

A man sits in front of a laptop infected with an encryption Trojan (ransomware).
A man sits in front of a laptop infected with an encryption Trojan (ransomware).

Internet - Internet users feel threatened by cybercrime

Almost all internet users in Germany fear falling victim to an attack by cyber criminals. In a survey conducted by the digital association Bitkom, 93% of respondents said that they feel threatened on the internet. Bitkom Research surveyed 1018 internet users aged 16 and over in Germany on behalf of Bitkom. According to Bitkom, the survey is representative of this group.

They primarily see members of organized crime (87%) as a group of attackers. A good third (35%) fear attacks from individuals, 24% from government agencies such as secret services and 5% from companies.

When asked from which countries the attacks are launched, Russia (81%), China (75%) and North Korea (53%) are in the lead.

The greatest fears of users:

When it comes to attacks, users primarily fear that their own computer or smartphone will be infected with malware such as viruses or ransomware (90 percent). In a ransomware attack, the perpetrators encrypt their victims' data and attempt to extort a ransom. The hackers often also threaten to publish confidential data on the internet that was previously captured in the attack.

The fear of ransomware is followed by the fear of identity theft (62%) and the theft of passwords (55%). Four out of ten respondents feel threatened by online banking fraud (42%) and online shopping or online auctions (39%). Respondents see a similar level of threat from insults or bullying (41%). This is followed by hate speech (29%) and sexual harassment online (18%).

Most people in Germany take the protective measures against possible online attacks into their own hands. Three quarters of respondents (74%) said that they themselves were primarily responsible for their own online safety. 16% see the main responsibility as lying with the state, and 7% with industry, for example Internet providers or manufacturers of software and hardware.

Read also:

  1. The primary concern for many German internet users, according to the survey by Bitkom, is their devices getting infected with malware like viruses or ransomware.
  2. The digital association Bitkom conducted a survey in Germany, revealing that 93% of internet users feel threatened by cyber attacks, primarily from organized criminal groups.
  3. Ransomware attacks, where perpetrators encrypt data and threaten to publish confidential information online, are a significant concern for 90% of internet users in Germany.
  4. The issue of cybercrime and its impact on information technology is a pressing issue, as cyber attacks from countries like Russia, China, and North Korea continue to pose a threat.
  5. Recognizing the importance of protecting against cyber threats, most German internet users (74%) take responsibility for their own online safety, while only a few (7%) believe the primary responsibility lies with internet providers or software/hardware manufacturers.


