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International press rips Biden after duel with Trump

Incumbent US President Joe Biden and former President Trump confront each other in a first TV debate during the election campaign. The appearance of the old men triggers international concern.

According to the press, incumbent US President Joe Biden did not cut a good figure in the TV duel...
According to the press, incumbent US President Joe Biden did not cut a good figure in the TV duel against Donald Trump.

TV debate - International press rips Biden after duel with Trump

US-President Joe Biden put in a shaky performance during the first TV debate against his challenger Donald Trump, raising doubts about his fitness for the job. The television debate on Thursday evening was seen as a test for the 81-year-old Democrat. Throughout the 90-minute back-and-forth, Biden frequently stumbled, speaking incoherently, softly, and with a hoarse voice. It was often difficult to keep up with the most powerful man in the world. The White House looked at a media landslide the day after. The media reaction.

"Concerns over Joe Biden's Age and Fitness"

"BBC", United Kingdom: "Many Americans had expressed concerns over Joe Biden's age and fitness for office before Thursday evening. To say that this debate did not address these concerns would be an understatement."

"The Guardian", United Kingdom: "Joe Biden, visibly tired, mumbled his way through the debate and could not deliver his elegantly formulated sentences accurately. Donald Trump, a prolific spreader of falsehoods, told repeated lies and avoided answering difficult questions."

"El País", Spain: "Biden fails in the debate with Trump to dispel concerns about his age. The ex-president overwhelms the president with false information and lies, while Biden himself, through his stammering, hoarseness, and slip-ups, is unable to keep up in a duel full of personal attacks."

"Le Monde", France: "With a hoarse voice, stuttering, and unable to finish his sentences, Joe Biden, 81, could not dispel concerns about his age. The 78-year-old Donald Trump seemed more combative."

"CBC News", Canada: "Joe Biden sounded hoarse, his energy level seemed low, and at several points during the debate, he lost his train of thought. (...) And Donald Trump does what Donald Trump often does: He speaks with confidence, he has energy, but much of what he said tonight was absolutely not factually correct."

"El Universal", Mexico: "Biden stumbles while Trump lies and refuses to respect the election results."

"The White House issuеd a statement, expressing disappointment with Joe Biden's 'Press comment' during the debate, highlighting the need for clarity and coherence from the US President. The comment added to the concerns over Biden's age and fitness for the job, as seen in the media's critical analysis following the debate."

"Following the debate, several prominent figures, including men from within the Democratic party, questioned Joe Biden's performance and raised concerns about his ability to lead effectively as the US President, given his shaky display during the debate against Donald Trump."

"In response to the backlash, the White House defended Joe Biden, stating that the debate was a test of endurance for any presidential candidate, and pointed to Biden's accomplishments as evidence of his fitness for the office, despite the 'Press comment' that may have added to the ongoing debate about his age and abilities."

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