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Intense weather conditions may cause more issues in the southern region.

Over the weekend:

The clean-up work has often only just begun when the signs are already pointing to severe weather...
The clean-up work has often only just begun when the signs are already pointing to severe weather again.

Intense weather conditions may cause more issues in the southern region.

As reported by weather experts, the southern region could encounter future disturbances from this coming Saturday. The already saturated ground and raised water levels in several areas escalate the situation's severity. Thankfully, there is a glimmer of hope for a better outcome.

Following the flood catastrophe in Germany's southern area that has resulted in six fatalities, more problematic situations are predicted to arise. Over the weekend, the sky is not likely to offer much comfort. Although periodic light showers are to be expected on Thursday and Friday, threatening storms are on the horizon.

The ntv meteorologists, Carlo Pfaff and Oliver Hantke, claim that as of Saturday afternoon and evening, powerful thunderstorms could emerge south of the Danube. They warn there is a "definite potential for storms." Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria are in jeopardy—these are the two federal states that have been adversely impacted by the earlier storms.

"It might turn quite hazardous from Sunday onwards. Though the initial evolution of next week still remains unclear, there's a possibility that even more rain might strike the south. Metrological predictions depict a recurrence of heavy, wind-driven rainstorms lasting until Monday," the meteorologists added.

Potentially hazardous rainfall

Nearly 100 liters of rainfall could potentially occur, as per meteorologists' assessment. "The all-encompassing rain showers could once again present a threat to the flood-prone regions, given the ground there is awfully damp and soaked."

Unfortunately, where these rain centers will erupt has not been determined. "There's a wish that these rainfalls will mainly fall on the snow-capped Alps. This would be extra-welcoming news to the current flood zones and torrential rivers in the pre-Alpine region."

Amid the cleanup attempts, the water levels have recently subsided. Whilst the evaluation of damage is underway, concerns are swirling that Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg have not paid adequate attention to flood mitigation in the past, as there has been an insufficient amount of funds allocated for such measures.

Read also:

Despite the recent subsiding of water levels, international concerns arise due to the past underinvestment in flood mitigation measures in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg. The upcoming storms, forecasted to hit these same regions from Saturday, might aggravate the flood situation.



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