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Intense thunderstorms Lead to Flooding in Certain Areas of Rome

Unexpectedly severe rainfall caught the authorities off guard of such extent.
Unexpectedly severe rainfall caught the authorities off guard of such extent.

Intense thunderstorms Lead to Flooding in Certain Areas of Rome

Crammed streets and overturned trees - a swift yet intense summer tempest has drenched sections of Rome's Italian heartland. Within an hour, around 60 liters of rain per meter squared soaked the city center, a downpour normally seen throughout an entire October, as reported by the Italian news organization Ansa, referencing Rome's local administration.

The storm's arrival was unforeseen and disregarded by any meteorological forecasts, stated Rome's environmental counsel Sabrina Alfonsi, according to Ansa. Right beforehand, emergency services were engaged in extinguishing some blazes. The storm arrived with potent gusts, additionally inundating some subterranean pathways. More tempests are predicted to strike Rome in the upcoming days, accompanied by daytime temperatures of 32 degrees.

The Commission issued a statement expressing concern over the city's infrastructure, as several metro stations flooded due to the heavy downpour. In light of the storm's severity, The Commission also suggested reinforcing Rome's drainage systems to better handle future weather events.

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