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Instagram experiments with obligatory video ads during scrolling, angering users.

Instagram's advertising disappears promptly. However, this situation might change soon as the platform is experimenting with involuntary ads. People are highly displeased.

Instagram tests new advertising formats
Instagram tests new advertising formats

Meta-Network refers to a type of network. - Instagram experiments with obligatory video ads during scrolling, angering users.

Social media platforms such as Instagram keep us hooked with an endless assortment of content. Even when the content gets dull, a new photo or video is just a swipe away. Even tedious ads on Instagram can be easily scrolled past. However, this might change soon as Meta is testing forced ads on the platform.

Instagram users have been notifying each other about this development on X, a messaging service. One user named Dan Levy commented, "Woah! Meta is now forcing us to watch ads on our Instagram feed!" The post includes a screenshot of an ad break, also known as an advertising pause. Dan is frustrated with the interrupted scrolling, stating it's "just annoying."

Forced Advertising on Instagram

This experiment may have a purpose: users are supposed to actively watch the ads, not merely scroll past them. A user on Reddit reports that the ads do fulfill this purpose. Tapping the info symbol while viewing an ad reveals a message, "You are experiencing an ad break. Ad breaks are a new way to see ads on Instagram. Sometimes you may have to see an ad before you can continue scrolling."

A Meta spokesperson confirmed the test, stating, "We're always experimenting with new formats to increase value for our advertising partners." If the results of this test lead to a general change, Meta will notify users in the future.

User Reaction

The user responses are overwhelmingly negative. "This is a healthy reminder to close this app," says user LynkSpyder on the X post. "That's not the Instagram vibe that brought people here," responds another.

The discussion surrounding the ad breaks is intense, yet everyone agrees on their dislike for the change. "If this doesn't push people to abandon this trash app, they'll do it," states one user. "I don't know what this is meant to achieve. If I encounter something like that, I just close the app. They'll earn less money from me then," wonders another. "We already have double the ads in Stories and an ad every third post," complains a third about the constant advertising on the previously picture-based app.

Without the revenue from advertising, Instagram cannot justify forcing users to watch ads. In April, the Meta-owned network revealed its earnings for the first time. A total of $32.4 billion in ad revenue was generated in 2021, surpassing YouTube. Since then, the earnings have risen by almost 15%. Meta

Read also:

Dan Levy shared his frustration about Meta's forced ad breaks on Instagram, mentioning the phenomenon in a Reddit post. Despite the negative user reaction, Meta continues to experiment with new ad formats to increase revenue, as TechCrunch reported.



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