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Innocent woman released from prison in the USA after 43 years

Though the court ruling is clear, the prosecutor finds various objections to keep Sandra Hemme in prison. But then the judge had enough.

Sandra Hemme in Freedom
Sandra Hemme in Freedom

Sandra Hemme - Innocent woman released from prison in the USA after 43 years

In the USA, a Woman wrongfully convicted of Murder in the USA has been released from prison after 43 years. After an energetic intervention from Judge Ryan Horsman, the 64-year-old Sandra Hemme left the prison in Chillicothe, Missouri, on a Friday. There, she embraced her sister, daughter, and granddaughter in a nearby park. According to the Innocence Project, specializing in justice errors, she was the longest wrongfully imprisoned woman in the USA.

Hemme was sentenced to life in prison for the Murder of a library worker. In mid-June, Judge Horsman decided that her lawyers had presented clear and compelling evidence for her innocence and overturned the verdict. Hemme was heavily sedated when investigators interrogated her at a psychiatric clinic. Her confession was the only evidence and consisted of a series of monosyllabic answers to suggestive questions. The woman was described as a "victim of obvious injustice."

Sandra Hemme's Release: Judge Loses Temper

Prosecutor Andrew Bailey filed an appeal. Although several courts had ruled that Hemme should be released pending a decision on Bailey's objection, the prosecutor objected, arguing that the woman posed a threat to the public. He even demanded that she serve two additional sentences she had received during her imprisonment.

On a Friday, Judge Horsman lost his temper. If the acquitted woman was not released within hours, he would summon Bailey for contempt of court, Horsman declared and also destroyed his office, as the prison, despite the judge's order, continued to keep Hemme in custody. "I advise against doing this," Horsman said. "It's wrong to call someone and tell them to disregard a court order."

Bailey's office remained silent at first. Hemme's lawyer, Sean O'Brien, commented that it seemed easy for the prosecution to convict the Innocent but difficult to release them.

The release of Sandra Hemme, who was wrongfully imprisoned for 43 years in Missouri for a murder she did not commit, was challenged by Prosecutor Andrew Bailey with an appeal. Despite several court rulings in favor of Hemme's release, Bailey continued to object, misjudging the situation and potentially extending Hemme's incarceration.

After Judge Ryan Horsman's passionate intervention and his threat of summoning Bailey for contempt of court if Hemme was not immediately released, the United States of America witnessed a significant moment of justice being served in Missouri.

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