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Injured person calls for intervention forces after brawl

A man is injured in a fight with about ten people. When paramedics try to treat him, he attacks them with his brother.

The 36-year-old injured person was restrained by the police forces to enable medical treatment...
The 36-year-old injured person was restrained by the police forces to enable medical treatment (Photo).

Body injury - Injured person calls for intervention forces after brawl

After a brawl in the supermarket parking lot in Prerow (Vorpommern-Ruegen district), a 36-year-old man became aggressive towards police and paramedics. In order to provide medical treatment, they eventually had to restrain him, according to a police statement. Several reports were filed in connection with this incident for insults, threats, damage to property, and simple bodily harm.

Apparently, there was a brawl involving approximately ten people in the night on Sunday. The paramedics were called to treat the injured 36-year-old. According to reports, he and his 28-year-old brother attacked the paramedics' team in the ambulance. The paramedics reportedly locked themselves in their vehicle until the police arrived. All other participants in the brawl had already left by then.

Even when the police arrived, the injured man refused treatment. Reports indicate that he insulted and assaulted the emergency responders. He was eventually restrained and taken to the hospital. According to the prosecutor's order, a sample was to be taken from him to test for alcohol in his blood. His brother registered 1.48 promille in breath alcohol tests.

The brawl in Prerow, located in the District of Vorpommern-Rügen, led to various reports of criminality, including damage to property and simple bodily harm. The police operative, tasked with maintaining order, encountered significant resistance during this incident. The 36-year-old man's aggressive behavior towards the law enforcement and medical staff caused concern. Following the incident, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern authorities had to address concerns of escalating brawls and violence in the region.

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