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Injured and arrests at a propalestinian demo

600 people marched in a Palatine demonstration through Berlin. Criminally relevant slogans were shouted and bottles were thrown. In the end, there were numerous injured.

At the Palatine protest, 17 police officers were injured, according to police.
At the Palatine protest, 17 police officers were injured, according to police.

Gaza War - Injured and arrests at a propalestinian demo

At a pro-Palestinian demonstration in Berlin, clashes occurred between the Police and participants of the assembly. According to police reports, 7 demonstrators and 17 police officers were injured. "Overall, restrictions on freedoms or freedom withdrawals were imposed against 26 assembly participants," the police stated today.

Yesterday, during the demonstration, 28 criminal complaints were filed - among other things, for insults, assault, attempted prisoner release, resistance against execution officers, and incitement to hatred. Five criminal complaints for assault against on-duty police officers were also reported.

Police report bottle throwing at enforcement officers

Approximately 600 people participated in the demonstration, which started at the U-Bahnhof Rathaus Steglitz around 3:15 PM on Saturday and was supposed to end at the U-Bahnhof Kleistpark in Schöneberg.

During the assembly, several participants had masked themselves with Palestinian flags for legally relevant reasons. Additionally, legally relevant slogans were chanted, and bottles were thrown at police officers and representatives of the press, the police reported. Furthermore, targeted foot kicks against police officers were reported. "These officers reacted with the use of force in the form of shoving and pushing, as well as fist blows," it was stated.

Some demonstrators had prevented the police from carrying out detentions. The police eventually threatened to disperse the assembly.

Use of a rescue helicopter

At approximately 18:40, the assembly leadership declared the assembly over. However, about 250 people remained on site and continued to chant "forbidden and police-hostile slogans" and threw bottles at the enforcement officers.

"In response, the enforcement officers cleared the area through shoving and pushing, resulting in injuries to seven assembly participants," it was stated. Four of them were taken to hospitals. A rescue helicopter was also in use. The operation ended for the police around 10:45 PM.

Since the terrorist attack by the Islamic Hamas on Israel on October 7, 2023, there have been weekly demonstrations in Berlin in the context of the Gaza War. The demonstration on Friday was titled "Stop the Gaza Genocide." In addition to numerous Palestinian flags, the people at the demonstration held signs with phrases such as "Free Palestine from Israel's Occupation."

  1. The use of force by the police during the dispersal of the assembly led to further collisions and potential body harm, with four demonstrators requiring hospitalization.
  2. The police reported several conflicts during the demonstration, including instances of assault against on-duty officers, resisting execution officers, and incitement to hatred, resulting in 28 criminal complaints.
  3. The pro-Palestinian demonstration in Berlin, characterized by its weekly occurrences since the Gaza War and the Gaza Genocide slogan, witnessed several disturbances, including clashes between participants and the police, resulting in injuries and criminal complaints.

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