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Initial SPD Political Figure Re-establishes Alliance with GroKo Again

Various individuals within the SPD yearn for the era of the Grand Coalition, despite the fact that...
Various individuals within the SPD yearn for the era of the Grand Coalition, despite the fact that Chancellor Angela Merkel will not return.

Initial SPD Political Figure Re-establishes Alliance with GroKo Again

Looking back, many situations appear to have a brighter side. This seems to be true for the Grand Coalition as well, an idea some SPD politicians are now considering post-federal election. Although they might have to concede a Chancellor Merz in that scenario.

The initial SPD politicians are now contemplating a Grand Coalition after the upcoming elections. SPD Bundestag member Andreas Schwarz voiced his opinion to "Der Spiegel", saying, "I could envision a Grand Coalition under social democratic leadership."

Schwarz has been a member of the Bundestag since 2013 and has experienced two Grand Coalitions firsthand. "Naturally, it wasn't flawless at the time," he acknowledged. However, the Union now seemingly surpasses the Greens and the FDP in their eyes: "The common ground in the traffic light coalition is slowly diminishing."

Deputy SPD parliamentary group leader Verena Hubertz believes that the perpetual struggle over the debt brake reform with the CDU and CSU is more solvable than with the FDP. "There's a common understanding within the Union that a state should maintain its ability to act and invest, especially during economically challenging times," Hubertz told "Der Spiegel". "The division isn't between parties, but rather between those with government experience and those without."

However, the prospect of entering a coalition with a Chancellor Friedrich Merz causes discomfort among many social democrats. "It's tough to envision how Merz would manage conflicts in a coalition," Schwarz said to "Der Spiegel". "Partially because he has never held a government position, and partially because he sometimes veers off course himself." In contrast, Hubertz seems more pragmatic: "Voting only for individuals you enjoy working with isn't an option," she stated.

SPD general secretary Kevin Kühnert, however, is not in favor of a Grand Coalition revival. "Obviously, the traffic light coalition has accomplished more than the last Grand Coalition," Kühnert noted. That one was teetering on the brink of failure three months after its launch in 2018, over family reunification subsidiary protection. "Compared to the challenges the traffic light coalition has faced and is facing – with a war in Europe and a severe energy crisis – that was trifling," said Kühnert.

SPD politicians are considering a Grand Coalition with the CDU after the federal election, as suggested by SPD Bundestag member Andreas Schwarz. However, some social democrats express discomfort at the thought of having Chancellor Friedrich Merz, given his lack of government experience and sometimes inconsistent positions.

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