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Informationsurface: The Krefeld arsonist allegedly employed numerous aliases

He had previously been found guilty

Informationsurface: The Krefeld arsonist allegedly employed numerous aliases

Following the apparent prevention of a devastating blaze in a cinema in Krefeld the day prior, more details surrounding the alleged culprit have come to light. This 38-year-old individual of Iranian descent possesses a noteworthy criminal background, which includes serving time in prison. He has been calling Germany home with a valid residence permit.

As reported by "Cologne City-Anzeiger", the local court handed down a four and a half year sentence to the Iranian in July 2010, due to his involvement in several criminal offenses, such as causing grievous bodily harm, resisting arrest, attempted rape, threats, and property damage.

His asylum applications, filed back in 2002, were turned down, yet he has managed to live in Germany with a residence permit. Since January, his deportation to Iran has been halted for over a 15-month period.

The paper claims that this troubled Iranian, believed to be dealing with psychological issues, had been using multiple false identities. Bild newspaper reports a count of 27 different identities. On October 8, he reportedly made threats towards a staff member at the Krefeld immigration office who declined to issue a fresh residence permit under his genuine name.

The investigations into the incident suggest that the said 38-year-old Iranian national set fire to a minibus, which belonged to the Caritas mobile drug support service, the day before. Subsequently, he allegedly torched his attic apartment and hurled an incendiary device into the employment agency building. On his route to the main railway station, he reportedly brandished a knife towards a 16-year-old youth. Ultimately, he splashed liquid from a gasoline canister in the lobby of the cinema located next to the main railway station, emanating a strong gasoline odor. He attempted to ignite it, but was intercepted by a police officer, who inadvertently wounded him. He was transported to the hospital and remains stable, with no life-threatening injuries. The underlying motivation behind the incident remains unclear, as per the Essen police.

The refugees at the local shelter expressed concern upon hearing about the incident, as the suspected arsonist had frequent interactions with some of them. Despite facing deportation, the Iranian refugee continued to live in Germany, causing chaos and threatening safety in several locations.

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