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Five prime ministers since the Brexit vote: view of Westminister Palace in London, seat of the...
Five prime ministers since the Brexit vote: view of Westminister Palace in London, seat of the British parliament.

Information about the recent election in Britain

In the British Isles, shakeups in politics are afoot: Recent surveys suggest substantial losses for the Conservatives in the upcoming elections. Has Prime Minister Rishi Sunak made a mistake in his calculations? Here's a breakdown with graphs and statistics.

The British Parliament in London has been disassembled, as the elections in the United Kingdom are currently in high gear: On July 4th, the nearly 46.6 million voters registered in England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland will cast their votes to determine the power balance in the British House of Commons anew.

The cause of these early elections stems from a contentious decision made by the sitting Prime Minister Rishi Sunak: The leader of the Conservative Party aimed to regain some leeway after the local election setbacks of his party in early May.

Sunak's prospects for re-election are grim: In the polls, the opposition Labour Party (Lab) holds a significant lead over the ruling Conservatives (Con). The right-wing populist "Reform UK" Party (Ref. UK) could turn out to be the third most powerful force.

Labour's leader and opposition leader Keir Starmer spoke of "an opportunity for a better progression." After 14 years, he reasoned, it was time for a change. "End the turmoil," he urged the British, "start a new chapter and start rebuilding." Prime Minister Sunak, on the other hand, campaigned with extensive tax cuts and positioned himself as a safeguard for security and economic strength.

"Now is the time for Britain," Sunak declared at the end of May during a speech at his office in Downing Street in the pouring rain, "to choose its future and to decide whether we want to build upon achievements or whether we risk starting all over again without a plan and without certainty."

For the 44-year-old Sunak, the July election represents the first significant test on a national scale since he assumed the role of leader of the Conservatives in October 2022. "I am the one ready to take bold steps," Sunak asserted. "I have a clear plan, and that's why I will offer you and your family security."

It remains uncertain if Sunak's pledges will be enough to steer the ship in a different direction. "The British people are yearning for a change," said the leader of the Liberal Democrats (LibDem), Ed Davey. "And this election is our opportunity to finally make it happen." The polls suggest a strong desire for change.

Britain's incumbent prime minister appears to have fallen out of favor with luck. Two weeks before the election, Sunak has to find a new campaign manager. Tony Lee, the Conservative Party's strategic planner, is under investigation regarding bets on the election date.

Lee's wife Laura Sanders, who is running as a candidate for the Conservatives in the elections, is suspected – possibly with inside knowledge – of having bet on a July election. Bets based on inside information are illegal in Britain. The case has caused a stir on the island.

The Conservative Party has ruled the House of Commons, the official name for the British Parliament, since the Labour defeat under Tony Blair and the victory of David Cameron in May 2010.

The Conservative Party has managed to hold onto its majority in the regular House of Commons elections in 2010 and 2015, and even during the tumultuous Brexit period following Cameron's divisive EU referendum and the extraordinary elections in June 2017 and December 2019, the Conservatives managed to stay afloat.

British politics remains tumultuous: Since the 2016 referendum on the United Kingdom's departure from the EU, the British have witnessed five Conservative Party leaders in rapid succession: After Cameron came Theresa May, then later Boris Johnson, followed by Liz Truss for a few weeks, and finally Rishi Sunak took charge of 10 Downing Street in the autumn of 2022.

Reviewing History: 2019 General Election

During the 2024 General Election on July 4th, all 650 seats in the British House of Commons will be contested. Elections take place across the United Kingdom, i.e., in England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. One seat is available per constituency. The 650 members of the House of Commons represent their respective constituencies.

In England, according to the parliamentary boundary commission, there will be 543 MPs (previously 533), Scotland will send 57 (instead of the previous 59), Wales will contribute 32 (previously 40), and Northern Ireland will continue to provide 18 "Members of Parliament." The number and boundaries of the constituencies – the so-called Constituencies – are based on population figures.

Every Five Years Regularly

According to British electoral law, the majority decides: Male and female voters each have only one vote to cast. Winners in the 650 constituencies are those who receive the most votes locally. The "winner takes it all" rule of the majority voting system favors local candidates and larger parties. The local vote shares of losing candidates are forfeited.

Members of the British House of Commons are elected for a standard term of five years. Eligible voters must register ahead of time. The deadline for registration is the upcoming election on 18th June. Afterwards, British, Scottish, Welsh, and Northern Irish citizens are free to vote at the polling station on election day or to vote by postal ballot beforehand.

Elections in the United Kingdom are traditionally held on a Thursday. According to the British Electoral Commission, polling stations open at 7.00 am (local time, 8.00 am CET) on 4th July and close only at 10.00 pm (CET: 11.00 pm). Immediately afterwards, the tallying of votes begins.

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