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Influential Democrat opposes Biden

Nation at the crossroads

The ship has been in the US Congress for over twenty years.
The ship has been in the US Congress for over twenty years.

Influential Democrat opposes Biden

As a California representative, Adam B. Schiff is one of the most powerful Democrats in the US Congress - and thus a whip of his party. Now he is urging President Biden to give up his re-election bid. He doubts he can win against Trump.

The most prominent Democratic representative, Congressman Adam B. Schiff, has urged President Joe Biden to withdraw from his bid for a second term in an announcement to the "Los Angeles Times." He expressed doubts that the 81-year-old could defeat his Republican rival Donald Trump, who poses a threat to "the very foundation of our democracy." Schiff, a highly influential California representative, emphasized that the decision to withdraw from the campaign was Biden's alone.

Biden, Schiff stated in the "Los Angeles Times," "has been one of the most important presidents in the history of our country, and his lifelong service as Senator, Vice President, and now as President has made our country better." However, the US is at a crossroads, according to the Democrat. "A second Trump presidency will undermine the foundation of our democracy, and I have serious concerns about whether President Donald Trump can win in November."

Poll: Two-thirds of Democrats for withdrawal

Recently, Schiff had warned donors during a private meeting that the Democratic Party would suffer massive losses if Biden remained the candidate. The "New York Times" reported this. If Biden remained, he could not only lose to the former President Donald Trump, but he could also significantly hinder other Democratic candidates, potentially causing the party to lose the Senate and miss the opportunity to gain control of the House of Representatives, according to Schiff at a benefit event in New York. "I think if he's our candidate, we'll lose," Schiff was reportedly quoted as saying during the event by someone with access to a recording of the event.

The US Democrats have been debating how to proceed in the race for the White House ahead of the elections on November 5th. According to a recent survey, nearly two-thirds of Democrats are in favor of Biden withdrawing from the presidential race. The survey results of the AP-Norc Center contradict Biden's statement that "average Democrats" still stand behind him despite his weak performance in the televised debate against challenger Donald Trump. Additionally, only about 30% of Democrats were very or extremely optimistic that the 81-year-old Biden was mentally capable of effectively serving as President.

The strongest support for Biden in the survey came from black Democrats. Approximately half of them were in favor of Biden holding onto his candidacy. Among white and Hispanic Democrats, it was about three in ten respondents.

That Adam B. Schiff now opposes Biden is a harsh blow for him. Biden is holding on to his candidacy despite his disastrous performance in the TV debate with his challenger Donald Trump. Some leading US Democrats are supporting him in this. They want to hold on to the plans for a quick nomination of Biden as the candidate for the November election, despite criticism from within the party. A virtual vote should take place at the beginning of August and before the party convention, according to a letter to members of a committee that sets the rules for the convention in mid-August.


  • NBC News
  • CNN
  • The New York Times

Schiff's call for Biden to withdraw from the election has garnered significant attention, as a recent poll shows that two-thirds of Democrats support such a move. Despite this, some prominent Democrats are still backing Biden, hoping to secure a swift nomination for the November election.

The dissent within the Democratic Party over Biden's re-election bid continues, with Schiff expressing concerns about a potential second Trump presidency and its impact on the United States of America.

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