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Indonesia commemorates its Independence Day in the recently inaugurated capital.

The advancement of Indonesia's forward-thinking capital project in Borneo, named Nusantara, is continuing. It's noteworthy that Independence Day commemorations are taking place within this construction site itself, as it's undergoing development.

The recently established metropolis on the jungle's periphery remains predominantly incomplete, yet...
The recently established metropolis on the jungle's periphery remains predominantly incomplete, yet festivities are underway despite this.

Venturing near the jungle's border - Indonesia commemorates its Independence Day in the recently inaugurated capital.

The focus shifts to Indonesia's upcoming capital, Nusantara: For the first time, major Independence Day festivities are taking place in Borneo, where this futuristic, tech-driven city is being constructed on the outskirts of the forest.

President Joko Widodo, or Jokowi, recently held his first cabinet meeting in Nusantara. He referred to the developing city on Borneo as "a blank slate that will determine our future." He pointed out, "Not many nations have the privilege and capability to establish their capital scratch."

Jokowi reiterated his vision: "Nusantara will be designed as an eco-city, brimming with vegetation, not an urban jungle of concrete or glass." He stressed that it would also be a smart city, teeming with technology, creating a pleasant living environment. According to blueprints, aerial taxis are also set to take flight.

However, the current view is overshadowed by cranes and dusty construction zones. Although some government buildings are approaching completion, most essential facilities such as residences, schools, and hospitals are still under construction. The entire project may not be finished until 2045.

Jokowi made this announcement in 2019. The main reason behind this move is that Jakarta, located on Java, is gradually subsiding, with substantial parts of the city already below sea level. By 2050, the entire northern Jakarta area may be submerged in water. Additionally, Jakarta, with its population of 11 million (and nearly 34 million in the metropolitan area), grapples with traffic congestion and smog. Nusantara is situated approximately two hours' flight northeast of Jakarta in Kalimantan, the Indonesian portion of Borneo.

Both Jokowi and his successor, Prabowo Subianto, who will assume office in October, participated in the Independence Day celebrations. A TV spokesperson, during the live broadcast of the ceremony, remarked, "We can witness the grandeur of the capital, Nusantara." Particularly, the new presidential palace in the form of a colossal eagle - the Garuda Palace – was lauded as "spectacular and awe-inspiring."

However, critics argue that numerous residents have been displaced, and the compensation provided is inadequate for them to establish new lives.

Indonesia, a nation of thousands of islands spanning from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific, and a population of around 280 million, is the world's largest island country.

The construction of Nusantara on Borneo signifies a significant shift in Indonesia's future, as President Jokowi views it as a chance to shape the nation's upcoming era. With the goal of avoiding Jakarta's inevitable demise due to subsidence, Nusantara is designed to be an eco-city and smart city, offering a sustainable and technologically advanced living environment for its inhabitants.

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