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Individual targets Sahra's campaign vehicle cleaner with paint in public gathering.

Event at BSW Political Rally in Erfurt: The chairperson, Sahra Wagenknecht, was doused with red paint, necessitating a momentary pause in her speech delivery.

- Individual targets Sahra's campaign vehicle cleaner with paint in public gathering.

Erupted Incident at BSW Leader's Event

During a halt in her campaign rally in Erfurt, BSW Co-Chair and Leader, Sahra Wagenknecht, was disrupted by a splash of a reddish substance from the audience. A dpa photographer documented this incident, confirming that the 55-year-old received a light strike. The culprit was swiftly detained by security personnel, who handcuffed him. After a momentary pause, Wagenknecht continued her address. The unfortunate incident transpired just moments after she concluded speaking.**

Alleged Attacker Employed a Simulated Syringe

Steffen Quasebarth, the BSW spokesperson, confirmed that Wagenknecht remained unscathed yet rattled by the occurrence. The liquid that hit her, according to Quasebarth, was sticky and tenacious. The offender utilized a device mimicking a medical syringe and uncouthly uttered incoherent phrases, the spokesperson revealed.

Previous Harassment Encounters by Wagenknecht

This is not the first instance of Wagenknecht facing such tussles. On the late of May 2016, a student utilize a pie to hurl at her during the BSW conference in Magdeburg, symbolizing his discontent over her stance on refugee policies.

The following incident at BSW Leader's event involved a simulated syringe being used against Wagenknecht.Specifically, the alleged attacker utilized a device mimicking a medical syringe to unsettle Wagenknecht during her campaign rally.

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