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Individual found guilty of unlawful genital surgery

Significant parts of the trial were conducted in private.
Significant parts of the trial were conducted in private.

Individual found guilty of unlawful genital surgery

In a surprising turn of events, a man, who is merely a lathe operator with no medical background, is sentenced to serve a prison term of 3 years and 10 months by the Erfurt Regional Court. The conviction stems from his practice of conducting castration surgeries on men, carried out at their request and for financial compensation. The court's presiding judge, Udo Tietjen, described the procedures as both extraordinary and shameful.

The man was found guilty of seven instances of severe physical harm and one case of less severe harm. Even the individuals who had paid for these procedures and testified on his behalf expressed difficulties in recounting the events in court, according to Tietjen. Most of the trial proceedings were held in secrecy, with the public excluded.

Based on the court documents, the man advertised his services, which included castrations and medical interventions, on various internet forums for financial gain. His activities reportedly extended from 2015 to 2019, during which time he is believed to have carried out procedures on several men at his apartment in Sommerda. The men reportedly paid between 500 and 2200 euros for these procedures. The court ordered the seizure of a total of 8,100 euros earned from these activities.

The verdict emphasized the defendant's confession to the charges. The prosecution demanded a penalty of six and a half years in prison, while the defense requested acquittal. The final verdict has yet to be issued.

The defendant's prison sentence is based on numerous judgments of physical harm he inflicted on his clients. Despite their initial intentions, many of the men found it challenging to justify their actions in court.

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