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Increased rainfall within the flooded region

Volunteers in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg have been struggling against the flood and its aftermath for several days. Today, the Chancellor will visit the flooded region. However, a clearance signal is still not visible in many areas - quite the opposite.

Firefighters drive over a flooded road in Reichertshofen.
Firefighters drive over a flooded road in Reichertshofen.

Weather disturbance leads to sporadic heavy rainfall and strong winds. - Increased rainfall within the flooded region

Filled-up wine cellars, flooded streets, and abandoned homes: The flood scenario in southern Germany continues to be unpredictable and puzzling. Plenty of aid workers have been actively tackling the floods since the start of the week in places such as Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria. Certain regions are seeing worsening conditions. So far, the tragic outcome involves one firefighter's death and two unaccounted-for individuals.

Growing crisis in Baden-Württemberg

After fresh rainfall during the night, the situation has deteriorated further in specific regions of Baden-Württemberg. With new rainfall on the horizon and water levels increasing, more residences are being emptied, especially around Stuttgart.

In Ebersbach an der Fils, a town located south of the state capital, locals in several streets faced evacuation. Unfortunately, the local authorities couldn't initially specify how many were impacted.

Rainfall has also affected the small town of Rudersberg in the Rems-Murr district. A fire department spokesperson stated that all streets are shut down. Additionally, the Black Forest dealt with landslides caused by the excessive showers, particularly in the Black Forest-Baar region.

Enhanced conditions in Ostalbkreis

The Ostalbkreis region has faced some relief as the discharge volume from the Lein river lessens. A representative for the crisis staff reported on Monday morning that most people could now return to their homes after evacuation.

Two casualties and one missing in Bavaria

Bavaria's Minister President, Markus Söder (CSU), sees the hazard in Bavaria as yet to be contained. "It's getting a bit better but it's not under control," he said on Deutschlandfunk on Monday. Even if the rain stops, the water levels in larger rivers will still rise from the inflows, he added. Meanwhile, Regensburg on the Danube has declared a disaster.

In Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm, a firefighter perished overnight on Sunday while performing a rescue operation using a hose boat. From Tuesday, a missing firefighter in Offingen remains unfound by rescue teams. The search will proceed, stated a police spokesperson on Monday.

Since Sunday, a woman has been missing in Schrobenhausen, Upper Bavaria. As divers couldn't enter the flooded cellar of her home on Sunday, pumps are now utilized. This allows hope for finding the 43-year-old.

A breached dam in Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm of the river Paar has troubled the district. Chancellor Scholz along with Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser is anticipated to visit Reichertshofen on Monday. Numerous areas, like Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm, have been inundated by water masses.

Schools and railway impacted

Learning facilities and kindergartens in severely affected regions of both states had to suspend classroom instruction on Monday, while some institutions resorted to providing emergency care for young learners.

Rail traffic has been affected due to the current weather patterns. The Deutsche Bahn has been urging against traveling to South Germany amid train failures, specifically towards Stuttgart, Würzburg, and Nuremberg, according to a Monday announcement.

What's next?

The German Meteorological Service (DWD) is anticipating heavy rain and storms in southwest Germany early in the week. There could be 30-40 liters of rainfall per square meter in the region below the Swabian Alp. Strong thunderstorms with heavy rain and occasional hail could occur in areas such as Upper Swabia, Lake Constance, and the Allgäu.

For Monday, the DWD predicts showers and showery rain in the south of the Danube and the Bavarian Forest. Heavy showers might occur in the afternoon with the possibility of additional rainfall.

"Rainfall is becoming ever more frequent due to global warming"

In response to the question whether the current floods could be associated with global warming, Stefan Rahmstorf, a climate scientist at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), informed "Spiegel": "You can't connect specific extreme weather events to climate change. However, it is a fact: We are witnessing more frequent and heavier rainfall due to global warming." While comparing data from 1950-1980 and present, we note that daily rainfall records have increased by approximately 30 percent.

"Seen in light of the continuous rainfall, the DWD issued a grave weather warning for Tübingen."

Gerda Hasselfeldt, the German Red Cross (DRK) President and CSU politician, pressed for more funding for disaster management in the "Augsburger Allgemeinen": "Germany lacks resources in this domain. We need a changes direction, especially when considering future-oriented financing of disaster relief services."

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