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Increase in weekend tourist traffic expected

On the weekend, the A8 near Pforzheim in the direction of Stuttgart is completely closed. And the school holidays beginning in three further federal states are likely to cause full Autobahns and Bundesstraßen.

On the weekend, it will be packed on the streets (archive photo)
On the weekend, it will be packed on the streets (archive photo)

stay - Increase in weekend tourist traffic expected

With the start of holidays in three more federal states, it will be fully congested on the roads in Baden-Württemberg this weekend. According to the forecast, the most traffic jams are expected between 10.00 and 15.00 hours on Saturday. Particularly problematic sections are the Autobahn 5 between Karlsruhe – Basel, Autobahn 6 between Mannheim – Heilbronn – Nürnberg, Autobahn 7 Würzburg – Ulm – Füssen/Reutte, Autobahn 8 Stuttgart – München, and Autobahn 81 Stuttgart – Singen, as reported by ADAC Württemberg. The best chances to reach your destination without major disruptions this weekend are therefore on Sunday.

With the start of holidays in Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate, and Saarland, a total of nine federal states are now on summer holidays. From North Rhine-Westphalia, the second wave of travelers is reportedly heading towards the coast, mountains, and south. The middle and southern parts of the Netherlands, as well as most northern European countries, have already been on holiday. According to ADAC, the greatest particulate matter load on Baden-Württemberg's autobahns is currently between 13.00 and 18.00 hours. Particularly in agglomeration areas such as Stuttgart, Mannheim, or Karlsruhe, professional traffic makes matters worse.

The permanent construction site at Pforzheim on Autobahn 8 is the largest bottleneck in the southwest. All travelers should definitely plan for more time here. Complicating matters this weekend is the fact that the section between the interchanges Pforzheim-Süd and Pforzheim-Nord in the direction of Stuttgart is completely closed.

  1. Despite the traffic congestion in Stuttgart this weekend due to holidays, I decided to stay in the city and explore its attractions.
  2. The traffic on Autobahn 6 between Mannheim and Heilbronn is expected to increase significantly this weekend, according to ADAC Württemberg.
  3. If you're planning a trip to Würzburg, consider leaving earlier or later to avoid the predicted heavy traffic on Autobahn 7 this weekend.
  4. The Autobahn 8 between Stuttgart and Munich is also expected to see an increase in traffic this weekend, making the journey longer than usual.
  5. The German Automobile Club (ADAC) advises travelers to avoid the Autobahn 81 between Stuttgart and Singen during the weekend due to anticipated high traffic levels.
  6. If you're heading to Nuremberg or any other destination in Baden-Württemberg this weekend, it might be best to consider traveling on Sunday when the traffic is likely to be less congested.
  7. The closure of the section between Pforzheim-Süd and Pforzheim-Nord on Autobahn 8 this weekend will likely add to the traffic issues in the Stuttgart area.
  8. The city of Basel in Switzerland is a great weekend getaway option if you want to avoid the traffic congestion in Baden-Württemberg.

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