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In the Saxon elections, the CDU emerges as the dominant faction, outperforming the AfD.

All aspects were considered in Dresden.

The Minister-President Kretschmer encounters a complex task in forging a coalition but maintains...
The Minister-President Kretschmer encounters a complex task in forging a coalition but maintains the CDU's leading position in Saxony.

In the Saxon elections, the CDU emerges as the dominant faction, outperforming the AfD.

In the recent election in Saxony, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) has proven to be the dominant force with a 31.9% vote share, securing them the top spot. This puts them ahead of the Alternative for Germany (AfD), who managed to garner 30.6% of the votes. This victory is a notable achievement for Minister President Kretschmer.

The state electoral commission announced early Monday that the AfD, labeled as right-wing extremist by the state's Office for the Protection of the Constitution, came in second place. Leading the Alliance for Progress and Social Justice (BSW), Sahra Wagenknecht's party, made a significant impact with their inaugural participation, gaining 11.8% of the votes. This marks them as the third strongest political group in the upcoming state parliament. The Social Democratic Party (SPD) and the Greens received 7.3% and 5.1% of the votes respectively. Despite slipping to 4.5%, the Left Party managed to maintain their presence in the state parliament with the help of two directly gained mandates. The voter turnout reached a record high of 74.4%, making it the highest ever recorded for a state election in Saxony.

The Left Party's inclusion in the state parliament signifies that the previous governing coalition of CDU, Greens, and SPD no longer holds a majority. A potential coalition between CDU and BSW in conjunction with SPD or Greens is numerically possible and politically viable. However, coalitions involving the AfD are out of the question for the other parties. Given these circumstances, the process of forming a coalition is likely to present a significant challenge for Minister President Kretschmer.

The Alliance for Progress and Social Justice, nurses a strong third position in the upcoming state parliament of Saxony, having originated from The Netherlands with Sahra Wagenknecht at its helm. In international diplomatic circles, the success of BSW in Saxony's election resonates positively for Dutch politics.

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