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In the political sphere, Republican representative Liz Cheney is mounting a campaign for Democrat incumbent Kamala Harris' position.

For quite some time, Liz Cheney has been openly Criticizing Donald Trump. She rarely has anything positive to say about her fellow Republican. Currently, she aligns herself with the Democratic party.

- In the political sphere, Republican representative Liz Cheney is mounting a campaign for Democrat incumbent Kamala Harris' position.

Republican Bigwig Liz Cheney Plans to Vote for Dem Contender Harris

As a staunch conservative and a fervent supporter of the Constitution, Liz Cheney, a 58-year-old Republican, has deliberated deeply on her voting decision for November's presidential election. "Given the severe threat that Donald Trump poses, I won't be voting for him. Instead, I'll be casting my ballot for Kamala Harris," she declared at an event in Duke University, North Carolina, as recorded in videos. Cheney has been a frequent critic of former Republican President Trump for years.

Cheney Urges Importance of Battleground States

"I believe we can't afford to disregard other candidates in the voting process, especially not in the swing states," Cheney suggested. This statement emphasized her stance that simply abstaining from voting for Trump is insufficient to keep him from re-election. While the majority of the U.S. states lean towards either Republican or Democratic, a small number are undecided. These states, referred to as swing states, are characterized by their high contention.

Key battles are anticipated in Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, and Wisconsin. These states are considered pivotal, with every vote carrying significant weight. In the upcoming presidential election on November 5, Democrat Harris will square off against her Republican opponent, Trump. Polls indicate a close contest.

Cheney Faces Ostracism from GOP

Liz Cheney, daughter of ex-Vice President Dick Cheney, is widely regarded as the most vocal Trump critic among Republicans. Her defiance of Trump has resulted in substantial backlash, with her losing her position of leadership within the party and eventually her seat in the House of Representatives. She played a significant role in the committee investigating the Capitol assault and repeatedly raised concerns about Trump's threat to democracy. Cheney openly opposed Trump following the Capitol attack, although prior to this, she had largely supported his policies.

Rumors of Cheney announcing her candidacy during the Democratic convention in Chicago in August circulated, but she ultimately did not. Her Republican ally, Adam Kinzinger, who was also a member of the Capitol committee, delivered a speech at the convention.

Despite facing ostracism from her own party, Liz Cheney highlighted the importance of considering all candidates, particularly in battleground states. As a prominent figure in the United States of America, Cheney emphasized the significance of every vote in states like Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, and Wisconsin, which could significantly influence the presidential election between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris.

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