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In some regions, water levels are lowering, causing tension amidst the populace.

Some parts of southern Germany are witnessing a reduction in flood conditions, but the Lower Danube region remains tense. Although the water is gradually draining in certain areas, the situation is still far from being back to normal.

A state of emergency was declared in Passau, where the Danube, Inn and Ilz rivers converge.
A state of emergency was declared in Passau, where the Danube, Inn and Ilz rivers converge.

Violent weather conditions with heavy rain, lightning, and thunder create a storm. - In some regions, water levels are lowering, causing tension amidst the populace.

The ongoing battle against the destructive floodwaters in Southern Germany continues. Through the night, dikes were being monitored for any major issues, but nothing critical was reported. However, the situation remains severe, most notably in eastern Bavaria, even as the water levels on the lower Danube start to decrease.

The morning report from the Flood Information Service (HND) indicates that the water levels in Passau and Regensburg remain at their highest alert level (4). Despite improvements in some locations, concerns remain that the five confirmed flood-related deaths may not be the final tally.

Lower rainfall levels - no warnings given

The German Weather Service (DWD) predicts more showers and thunderstorms in Bavaria, with only a chance of heavy rain in the eastern Alpine foothills. The Regional Council of Donau-Ries has cautioned that, even with declining river levels, water could still rise on open land. Meanwhile, Baden-Württemberg experiences individual showers or thunderstorms, while most areas remain dry.

Clean-up efforts are underway

In Baden-Württemberg and other flooded areas in western Bavaria, cleaning operations have started. While things seem to be improving in these locations, it's far from over - "We're nowhere near normal," said an Ebersbach an der Fils spokesperson. Local residents are teaming up with emergency services and volunteers to clear the streets, pump out basements, and get rid of debris. Storage containers are being provided for the flood-damaged property.

Regensburg faces a dangerously wet and muddy situation

In Regensburg, houses lining a section of the Danube had to be evacuated due to the threat of collapsing protective walls caused by swollen ground. Mayor Gertrud Maltz-Schwarzfischer (SPD) confirmed the situation was tense: "The Danube islands' soil is wet and muddy, like jelly." It remained uncertain until the early morning. The HND detailed a water level of over six meters in Regensburg, while normal levels are around three meters.

A disaster has been declared in Passau

In Passau, where the Danube, Inn, and Ilz rivers meet, a disaster has been declared. Multiple streets and squares in the city were closed due to the flood. Authorities reported no significant damage or breaches at the dikes during the night, but this can't be ruled out in the future.

The rivers Donau and Inn have peaked in Passau

Passau's city administration stated that the peak of the Donau and Inn rivers had been reached. The water levels in the area began to drop. The water level of the Danube reached around 9.70 meters, up from the usual six meters. The Inn River fell from seven meters to under 6.70 meters. Experts expect the water levels to continue to decrease, although the Donau's decline will likely be slower.

At least five lives have been lost in the South German floods. Additionally, the Bavarian Interior Ministry lists several missing persons, including a 22-year-old firefighter in the Swabian town of Offingen. He was on his way with a rescue boat from the DLRG water rescue near the border with Baden-Württemberg and is feared to have drowned.

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