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In Munich, the 25th World Aids Conference starts

18,000 participants expected

The World Aids Conference 2024 will be opened on a Monday in Munich. Over 10,000 participants are...
The World Aids Conference 2024 will be opened on a Monday in Munich. Over 10,000 participants are expected.

In Munich, the 25th World Aids Conference starts

In the Bavarian state capital Munich, the 25th World Aids Conference starts on Monday (17.00 hours). At the largest specialist event worldwide on the topic of HIV and AIDS, thousands of experts and experts from various fields are expected to exchange information on fighting the globally spreading immune deficiency disease until Friday. Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) will give a speech during the opening event.

The World Aids Conference has been taking place since 1985 and brings together experts from the fields of science, healthcare, politics, media, and others. Affected persons and donors and donors also take part. It is organized by the International Aids Society, a global scientific association. The conference in Munich is being held in person and virtually. According to the organizers, around 18,000 people from all over the world are expected to participate.

Participants from around the world will gather in Munich, In Germany, for the 25th World AIDS Conference, which commences on Monday. Despite the large gathering, experts from various fields such as science, healthcare, politics, media, and even affected individuals and donors are anticipated to participate both in person and virtually.

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