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In Kiev you can see what Putin thinks of negotiations

Missiles against sick children

Russia attacked a children's hospital in Kiev on Monday. Among other things, the cancer ward was...
Russia attacked a children's hospital in Kiev on Monday. Among other things, the cancer ward was hit. A total of 27 people died in the attacks on the Ukrainian capital.

In Kiev you can see what Putin thinks of negotiations

During his friends' peace negotiations in the West, Putin demonstrates his stance, for instance on Monday in Kiev: There, he orders to attack a children's hospital with missiles.

On Monday, it went that far again, a member of the global negotiation faction had a big appearance this time in China: Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban was on the third leg of his "peace mission". The journey had high symbolic weight: While Orban stood on the parade ground in Beijing to record his third PR video, his friend Putin ordered the bombing of a children's hospital.

Orban demonstrated unwittingly: Anyone who claims Putin is ready for negotiations is lying or doesn't understand what the Kremlin is shielding. Orban should belong to the first group.

In an interview with the "Bild" newspaper, he accused the USA and Europe of "war politics". His mission was driven by morals and a sense of European interests, while others were acting in the interests of the USA. And whatever else one might say, when one makes politics for cheap gas from Russia and uses China as a back door into the EU.

None of what Orban and other negotiation brokers say holds up to reality. European interests? Europe would find a victory in Ukraine very dangerous. The USA practicing "war politics"? The truth is: The USA and their Western partners have not provided the Ukrainian troops with all they need to effectively defend the country for a long time. The four Patriot missile defense systems that are available can in no way protect the airspace against Russia's lethal attacks. They are completely overloaded and have to keep changing location. If the Russians seize such a moment, then the missile goes like yesterday without countermeasures to its target.

And criticism of Russia? Complete failure from Orban and his political friends. Yes, he also has the usual cliche of criticism of the annexation of Ukraine. But more important to him and his friends is the hint that he does not want to argue about who is right and who is not. It is the "both sides" that are supposed to be ready to make a compromise. Also about "legitimate security interests" of the Russians, which the West would supposedly have to accept to prevent the war.

When Ukraine touches Russian security interests, it is for one reason only: It is demonstrating that a country, which is seen as "Russian" by Russians, can be a prospering democracy. The Russian motivation for the war is imperialism, the Russian approach is terrorism. Speaking of Putin's alleged readiness for negotiations is pure propaganda.

In Ukraine, one can see daily what Putin thinks of negotiations. What Russia wants from Ukraine is a capitulation with subsequent disarmament, in order to be able to attack the country again at any time. Orban and Co. are playing this game with him, they are the auxiliary troops in Putin's hybrid war against the West. It is disgusting.

  1. Despite Viktor Orban's assertions of European interests during his peace mission, the reality is that Europe would find a victory in Ukraine potentially dangerous, challenging the notion of Putin being open to negotiations.
  2. The Russian approach towards Ukraine can be characterized as terrorism, given that Russia wants Ukraine to capitulate with subsequent disarmament, allowing for future attacks, a stark contrast to Putin's claimed readiness for negotiations, which is merely propaganda.
  3. In the context of the attack on Ukraine, Russia's stance under Vladimir Putin has been clearly displayed, including the bombing of a children's hospital, raising concerns about Russia's true intention and readiness for diplomatic negotiations.

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