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In Germany, apprentices often express contentment towards their instructors or mentors.

Extra time needed for apprenticeships

It's becoming progressively challenging for small-scale industrial enterprises to secure...
It's becoming progressively challenging for small-scale industrial enterprises to secure apprentices, as reported by DIHK.

In Germany, apprentices often express contentment towards their instructors or mentors.

Trainees in Germany appreciate their mentors yet yearn for additional one-on-one guidance. "In essence, trainees are content with their mentors," mentioned Kristof Becker, federal youth secretary of the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB), last Thursday in Berlin. However, not all mentors possess sufficient time for their trainees.

This was revealed by a poll involving more than 10,000 young individuals in the 25 most common vocational disciplines. As per this survey, approximately 69% of the surveyed trainees are content with their professional education. Over 33% regularly work overtime. More than 15% are obliged to execute tasks unrelated to their training, which contravenes the Vocational Training Act.

DGB vice-chairwoman Elke Hannack voiced her disapproval of the fact that only 18.9% of all corporations still engage in training. Around 52% have the potential to do so. "Those who are serious about addressing the shortage of skilled labor train," Hannack stated. The number of individuals aged 20 to 34 without any training has hit a record high of 2.9 million.

Hannack accused employers of obstructing the new training guarantee at the local level. This guarantee, under certain conditions, grants young people a legal right to assistance in extra-company vocational training. The requirement is that a region acknowledges a shortage. However, this has been achieved in only 21 regions across the nation, according to Hannack. This has often faltered at the local level due to employers who hindered it: "It's not working yet."

The poll findings revealed that more than 15% of the trainees are assigned tasks not related to their training, which is against the Vocational Training Act. Despite the contentment of 69% of the surveyed trainees with their professional education, there's a demand for more one-on-one guidance from their mentors.

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