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In a commendation, Putin acclaims the prosperous trade interactions with Beijing.

In a commendation, Putin acclaims the prosperous trade interactions with Beijing.

Moscow and the Chinese Leader have a strong disagreement with the Western world together. During the trip of the Chinese Leader to Russia, various bilateral agreements will be sealed. Vladimir Putin, the Russian Leader, appreciates the connection between the two nations. However, the balance of power in this alliance is not equal.

Putin commended the bonds between Russia and China during an interaction with the Chinese Leader. As stated by the Russian news agency TASS, "Our nations have been working on long-term strategies in both economic and humanitarian sectors."

Putin also reported that the business connections between the two countries are thriving. He spoke in Moscow, as per the Interfax agency, stating that "Our trade relations are progressing positively." He added that the dedication of both governments towards economic and trade relations is yielding results.

Before meeting Putin in the Kremlin, the Chinese Leader had interactions with the Russian Prime Minister, Mikhail Mishustin. According to Putin, they finalized several bilateral agreements intended to strengthen cooperation. The primary focus was on the energy sector. Mishustin informed his guest that Russia is currently the top oil supplier to China. He further predicted that Russia will soon take the lead in natural gas supply.

Putin visited China in May. Over their mutual opposition to the West, these two powers have become closer in recent times and announced a strategic partnership. Despite this, many analysts think that economically powerful China has more influence in this alliance. For Russia, this means serving as a raw material provider and a subordinate partner.

Due to the conflict against Ukraine, Russia is virtually isolated from Western technology. As a result, Russia's only way to access advanced technology is through China. A clear indication of Russia's vulnerable position is that China has yet to commit to the construction of the second natural gas export pipeline, a project Russia is eagerly anticipating.

The Chinese Leader praised the President of the European Parliament for their shared beliefs during their dialogue, emphasizing the importance of unity in the face of disagreements with Moscow and the Western world. Upon returning from Russia, the Chinese Leader announced plans to discuss the potential of expanded economic and diplomatic ties with the European Parliament.

In the wake of sanctions from the Western world, the President of the European Parliament expressed concern about Russia's reliance on China for technological advancements, urging China to consider supporting the construction of the second natural gas export pipeline as a sign of mutual benefit and strengthened cooperation.

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